Page 8 of Emily's Protectors (The Protectors 2)
Shaking his head in frustration as he started his run, Coop couldn’t believe the audacity of some women. Cherise was beautiful, sure, but he wanted a woman who knew who she was without needing a man to validate her. Someone who was comfortable in her own skin, maybe not demure like he implied but who had values and respected herself.
He and Dane had shared a few women together to see if it was for them, but they’d never had anything serious with a woman before. After hearing Nate and Ty talk about how much they wanted what their parents had and witnessing them with their girl, Keeley, they both knew that it was something they wanted for themselves. It would be hard work, but in the end, with the right woman, it’d be worth it.
Immediately, an image of Emily, with her golden hair and deep green eyes came to mind. Her beauty knew no bounds. And her attitude didn’t stop. She amused him, drew him into her warmth that radiated off of her like a lighthouse beacon to a ship… showing him where to go, bringing him closer to her light.
Beginning his jog at a leisurely pace, Coop tried shaking off any thoughts of pursuing her. She was a client, and it wouldn’t be ethical to try to start anything with her; besides, they had to find out who was stalking her and why, first. He and Dane had pored over the files the previous night looking for any clues as to the who or why of it. He felt like with the lack of police involvement on her home town’s part that it could be connected to that, but then a couple other cities she’d lived in had thought she was delusional as well. If it hadn’t been for the fact she was nearly run down the evening before they met her or the pictures and text messages she was getting, he might have almost believed that as well. But there was tangible proof someone was after her.
Not paying as close attention as he should have been, Coop nearly collided with a woman walking out of a coffee shop about a mile from his apartment complex. Grabbing her shoulders so she didn’t fall, he held her until she was steady on her feet. Looking down, he let out a laugh at her shocked face. “How ya doin’ Ken?” he asked Nate and Ty’s younger sister, Kennedy. He loved the withering look she tried to give him every time he called her Ken.
Giving him what he assumed was a dirty look, she huffed. “Why must you call me that?”
Smirking, he scanned the area around them before answering. Noticing a man paying a little too close attention to Kenny, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and started walking. “Because of the way it bugs you, kid.” He looked at her as the kid sister he never had. She was sweet and had a heart of gold, not to mention was a total knockout, but he didn’t have feelings for her in that way. At one time when she was younger, she had a crush on Dane but thankfully, that fizzled out and died. The last thing they wanted to do was break her heart. She deserved a man, or men that would treat her like the princess she was.
“So what’s happening today, kid?” he asked as they walked down the street.
“Just shopping for girls’ night this weekend with Keeley. I know she’s lonely with Nate and Ty gone, so I thought it would be a great way for us to bond. I really like her; she’s so sweet,” she said with a small smile on her face.
They both paused as they heard her purse, or what he assumed was her purse, ringing. Handing him her bags, she started to dig through it to find the offending device. “Aha!” She chirped looking at the caller ID with a scowl before muting it and putting it back. When she noticed his quizzical look, she explained. “I went on a date with this douche-nozzle of a twirp. He couldn’t eat with his mouth closed, lacked the common sense to open a frigging door for me, annnddd he farted!” She vented.
Nodding his head like he completely agreed with her issues of this douche-nozzle? He asked, “How old was he, Ken?”
Giving him a puzzled look, she hesitantly answered. “19, why?”
Laughing at her was probably not a good idea but he couldn’t seem to help himself. “That’s not a man Ken, that’s a boy. You should expect twerpiness from boys.” He wheezed out.
“Whatever, Coop. Man or boy, he shouldn’t have farted! That’s just gross, and on a first date no less!”
“Fair enough kid, fair enough. Look, I gotta finish my run then get to the office. Girls’ night is tonight?” he asked while jogging in place.
“Yes, I’m meeting Keeley at their house.” She smiled with excitement.
“Holler if you girls need anything, alright?” He told her, jogging away at her nod.
Not hearing from Emily in a couple of days had disturbed them. They knew she was ok because they had men watching her house around the clock while they investigated who was stalking h
er. But not having his own eyes on her was slowly driving Dane insane. He had a need to protect her. His possessiveness reared its head whenever they received updates on her. He and Coop had reminded their men, several times, to keep their distance and eyes away from her, which was counterproductive because they needed to have them on her. But they couldn’t seem to help the warnings from coming out. Every single time.
Putting his beer back on the table he looked at Coop, feeling as though their thoughts might be on the same page right now. Knowing she was with the girls didn’t really help because Kenny liked to get into shit. A lot. She had a knack for causing trouble wherever she went. Keels was more laid back, reserved; she thought things through. But over the last few weeks she’d really blossomed under Nate and Ty’s care and attention. He was envious of what they had. The love. The companionship. It was a sight to behold.
“Do you think they’re ok?” Coop interrupted his melancholy thoughts.
“They’re locked up in that house, I’m sure they’re having a nice time,” he said distractedly as their waitress arrived with their food, putting it on the table with a little more tit wiggling than was necessary. “Em will be fine with them, Coop. Keeley ain’t gonna let nothing touch that girl.” He tried reassuring him. They’d been a bundle of nerves since Keeley had texted her that afternoon and demanded she go.
They fell into a companionable silence while eating dinner. He had a big juicy steak and a loaded baked potato that should have been delicious, but he couldn’t taste anything. His thoughts were stuck on Emily, just like they had been the last few days. After their first meeting he thought it was just a one off, but Dane couldn’t shake her from his mind.
Startled out of his reverie by his cell vibrating in his pocket, he dug it out and seeing Keeley’s name on the screen, he didn’t hesitate to answer.
“What’s wrong?” He replied in way of greeting, probably more forceful than necessary.
“Hello to you too, Dane. Girls’ night is great, how is yours?” she asked sarcastically.
“Keeley.” He growled, gritting his teeth together so he didn’t yell at her.
“Ok, ok, sheesh. Look, Rowdy was barking and scratching at the door and when I let him out he took off for the woods and he’s not coming when I call him. It’s too dark for me to go in there. Will you come see if you can find him, please?” she asked, and he could hear the worry in her voice.
“We’re on our way” was all he said, ending the conversation as abruptly as it started. Looking at Coop he told him, “Something’s up at the girls’ place.” Tossing some bills on the table, they took off for Coop’s truck.
Sitting in the living room with Keels and Kenny waiting for the guys was killing Emily’s nerves. At every noise she would jump, and it felt like she could literally feel each nerve exploding. Her pulse was so fast it felt like her veins were ready to burst. The stress of the hang-up phone calls the last couple days was getting to her, and so was the constant fear. She couldn’t live like this anymore.