Page 31 of Emily's Protectors (The Protectors 2)
Leaning his head closer to her ear, he felt Coop do the same and together they whispered, “Birth control…” Letting it trail off until she got it.
Watching her eyes focus and widen in shock, her mouth part in a perfect ‘O’, he smiled knowing the answer before she shook her head no.
Growling, he planted his face in her neck, biting the tender flesh at the apex and sucking while pounding into her soft, willing body, ready to make her theirs forever.
Feeling his spine start to tingle and his balls draw up close to his body, he knew he was ready to come again, but he needed all of them to go together. “Come with me.” He mumbled out.
“Oh God, I’m there!” She screamed as he felt her walls tighten around him, sucking every last drop of cum from his body and not letting up until he collapsed on top of her and Coop.
“Fuck!” Coop yelled as he came in her ass. He could feel every pulse, every beat, just everything.
The unadulterated pleasure written across their faces matched his own and made him feel like they were finally complete.
Waking to the smell of coffee and a very quiet house, Emily cracked her eyes open against the sunlight filtering into the room from between the dark drapes, when there was a bounce on the bed right behind her. Rolling to her back, she was surprised to see a very chipper Kennedy smiling at her like she’d won the lottery.
“Good morning, sunshine!” She singsonged. Eyeing Emily up and down she noticed her near nakedness, if it weren’t for the nearly transparent sheet covering her.
“Why are you so happy?” She grumbled reaching for the cup of coffee Kenny held out for her. Taking a long sip of the dark, rich brew, she savoured the caffeine jolting through her system.
“It’s shopping day. I’m so excited those brutes are letting you come with me. It would have been tremendously boring without someone with me. And since my friends are in school, I have no one to come.” Kennedy chattered away happily while she riffled through the few belongings Creed had brought from her house when she got out of the hospital a few days ago.
Only a few days? Really? She wondered thoughtfully. Amazed that it felt like more time had passed. Getting up she made her way to the bathroom, rushing through a shower and brushing her t
eeth. She was throwing her hair up in a messy bun with wet tendrils falling all around her face when an arm poked in handing her clothes, saying, “Wear these.” Hearing a plop, she looked down at a pair of unfamiliar knee high boots. “With these.” She giggled closing the door behind her.
Sighing in defeat, Emily slipped the matching black bra and thong on, followed by the white wash skinny jeans and off the shoulder light blue sweater that if she thought about it long enough, matched Dane’s eyes to near perfection and the jeans were so faded they could have matched Coop’s light gray ones. Smiling secretly at the thought of having them with her, she picked up the black boots and made her way back into her bedroom to find Kenny missing. Putting the boots on, she went in search of her overly happy friend, not forgetting her coffee as she passed by the dresser.
Finding her by the front door, their purses in one hand and bagels in the other, with a hulk of a man standing behind her. “Ignore him, he’s security.” She giggled making air quotes when she said security, or tried to with her hands full.
“Ms. Baxter,” he said in greeting. Tall, with a hint of gray in his hair and laugh lines crinkled around his eyes, he was handsome for a silver fox, in a rugged kind of way. “I’m Eric Michaels, and I’ll be escorting you today.”
A derisive snort had his lips twitching, “Escorting, huh? Is that what they’re calling it these days?” Kenny teased him.
Opening the door for them, he swept his arm out indicating for them to go first. Following his order, they went along after locking up the house. Seeing another man in the front seat of the black SUV, Emily turned to him with an arched brow in question.
“The driver,” he stated, but it sounded more like a question.
“If you say so.” She mumbled walking past him and climbing into the back, saying, “Hello, just a driver but secretly another bodyguard.”
Chuckling at her sarcasm, he asked, “Where to ladies?” Pulling away from the house.
“Barton Creek Square Mall please, Jeeves,” Kenny demanded formally before bursting out laughing at the startled look on the poor man’s face.
“Oh this’ll be a barrel of fun,” he whispered to Eric.
Driving through the core of downtown never failed to leave Emily breathless. The hustle and bustle in the mornings, the quiet of the afternoons, and the nightlife; each had a certain quality about them that made her want to immerse herself in the city. Growing up in a small farm town, she always knew a city was the life for her. There was always something to do; events happening all over the city and surrounding areas.
She was not much of a shopper, though, so she feared Kenny was going to be disappointed in her lack of enthusiasm. Pulling into the large mall parking lot, she was amazed at how empty it seemed to be.
Noting her shock, Kenny leaned into her saying, “I hate the busy times, so I always come in the morning. No one’s up at this God awful hour.” Laughing, they waited for their ‘security’ to open their doors for them before jumping out.
“This is going to get real old, real fast,” Kenny whispered in her ear. “Let’s see how fast we can ditch ‘em,” she said as they glanced behind them at the two men who were currently scanning the surrounding area.
“Not a good idea. Dane and Coop will make it so I can’t sit for a month. I’ve already been warned.” Blushing at her admission, the shock on Kenny’s face had her laughing out loud.
“Well, then, we wouldn’t want that now, would we?” She winked.
“What are we here for, anyway?” she asked as they walked into the building, amazed at how open and uncrowded it was. The food court was immediately to her right. On her left was a clothing store and beside that a Starbucks. “I need coffee,” Kenny said heading in the direction of Starbucks.