Page 3 of Emily's Protectors (The Protectors 2)
“Woman, open the fucking door. You hired us, not the other way around,” Coop said losing his patience. Hearing her unlock the locks, he thought they were finally going to meet her, only for the door to be opened about an inch from the frame, being stopped by the chain and for her to stick her hand out demanding their ID.
Shaking his head and mumbling about a stubborn woman, they handed their Maxwell Secures passes over to her, just to have the door slam shut again. A minute later she opened it with a warning. “If you’re here to murder or defile me, know that I’ve got both your IDs stashed somewhere you’ll never find and the police will come looking for you.” As an afterthought, she added, “If they even fucking investigate.”
“Watch your mouth, baby girl,” Dane said to her seriously.
Finally looking up at them, Coop watched in fascination as her startling green eyes widened in shock and her jaw dropped opened. “Sweet baby, Jesus,” she whispered taking Dane in first. He was not a small man, standing nearly seven feet tall. He loomed over almost everyone he encountered. Coop knew it sometimes made him self-conscious and leery around new people. He watched as Dane’s lips twitched in amusement at he
r stunned expression.
Looking at her again, Coop noted how gorgeous she really was. Soft and curvy in all the right places and no more than five feet tall. Hourglass figure; he could see them worshipping her repeatedly. Long, wavy blonde hair and if he had to guess, it was natural and not bought from a bottle. Full, pouty lips made to take a man’s cock deep. Eyes so green they looked like the rolling Irish hills.
Clearing his throat, she swung her gaze to him and slowly moved her eyes up his body. He was nothing to scoff at either, standing at six feet four inches, he was in no way small. Watching her pupils dilate while slowly crawling up his body had Coop happy he wasn’t the only one caught in this lust haze. When she finally met his eyes, she shivered before turning around and walking back into her house. Standing there stunned at this spitfire of a woman, Coop looked to Dane to see the same expression on his face. “Well then, I think that’s an invitation to go in, no?” He mused.
At Dane’s shrug, they walked into her house, closing and locking the door behind them. Standing there looking around, Coop took everything in, in a quick glance. Her house was modest, impersonal, and empty. It made him kind of sad that this was what she had probably become used to. “Emily!” He called out, hoping she hadn’t just ditched them, which if he thought about it made no sense since she hired them.
“I’m coming.” She called from the direction of what he assumed was the kitchen. Following her voice, they watched as she bustled about, almost stiffly, pulling something out of the oven. Really paying attention to her now, he noticed she had a slight limp and her left ankle was a little swollen and bruised. She favored her left side with her arm, and there was more bruising showing from under the sleeves of her long sleeved shirt and collar. His normally laid back attitude took a nose dive seeing her like that. “What the fuck happened to you?” Startled by his outburst, she spun around landing on her swollen ankle and nearly dropped to the floor if it wasn’t for his and Dane’s lightning fast reflex’s and catching her arms. “Shit, shit, shit.” She wailed out in pain. Dane scooped down to pick her up and carried her to the couch in the living room while he dug around in the freezer for ice or peas. Seeing a bag of frozen corn, he grabbed that and made his way into the living room. Sitting down on the table in front of them, he gently placed the frozen corn on her ankle before grabbing her chin and repeating Dane’s question. “What happened to you, baby girl?”
Shrugging, she explained. “I was hit by a car last night after getting off the bus, coming home.” At her nonchalant answer, Coop was furious again.
“Why didn’t you call us?” He nearly exploded.
“Why would I call you? I didn’t know you existed until you started pounding on my door like an ape ten minutes ago, let alone your name or number,” she said it so logically that he was even more pissed now.
“You could have called the company; someone would have helped you for Christ sake.” He fumed. Looking to Dane he saw he was just as angry as Coop.
Shaking his head at the futile argument that was about to happen, he moved on to the real problem. “Did the police come? What happened?”
“Sure, they came. But I was, umm, maybe slightly less than cooperative so I don’t think they cared much,” she said nervously, avoiding eye contact.
“Why were you less than cooperative? And where is the asshat that hit you?” Dane asked harshly.
Fidgeting with her hands, Emily looked down. “Experience has taught me that they really don’t want to help, so what was the point? I would have only gotten blamed for it. I don’t know where the person that hit me is; he drove up on the sidewalk and clipped me from behind. I hit a steel fence, which is why I have bruises everywhere. Those suckers hurt by the way.” She tried to joke.
Seeing the worry in her eyes set Coop on edge. “You think it was him, don’t you?” he asked her softly. At her nod, he grabbed her hand pulling it to his lips and kissing her knuckles softly, vowing to her, “We will keep you safe, baby girl, never doubt that.”
Still reeling from the fact that the huge, gorgeous dark-haired Adonis was holding her, Emily felt off kilter. Like the world was about to crumble and she was helpless to stop it. She knew her day of reckoning was upon her. It was confirmed last night when that car hit her. She had been so scared. Scared he would kill her then. Scared the police would ignore her pleas for help. Scared that her will to fight was finally over. She had been ready to give in, then and there, as long as she didn’t have this overwhelming fear anymore. Emily’s fight was over. Sighing, she got up off Dane’s lap, hobbled to the door and told them, “Please leave. I’ve reconsidered. I don’t need to hire Maxwell Secures anymore.”
Seeing them stand up together, side by side, she wasn’t sure if she was intimidated or turned on. They were stunning. Dane was huge, standing nearly six feet eight inches tall with dark hair and eyes so deep blue she could get lost in them. His shoulders were wide, and he was packed with muscles. Toes to neck was nothing but drool-worthy perfection.
Cooper was just as yummy with his short dark locks, light, almost gray eyes, and he was only a few inches shorter than Dane. Built like a body builder, his shirt was barely holding him in. It was like a second skin.
Shaking off her lustful thoughts, Emily concentrated on trying to get them to leave. As they walked closer, their legs ate up the space between them and her quickly. Stopping in front of her, they both studied her face closely. She was careful to make sure they didn’t see anything she didn’t want them to. Holding her breath, she looked away from their intense gazes whispering “please” in the hopes they would just go.
Hearing a growl, she looked up into Dane’s very pissed off face before her world turned upside down and she was being tossed into a truck a few short strides later. Before she had a chance to protest, she was squished between a chuckling Cooper and a pissed off Dane, who sped off and away from her house.
Sitting tensely between them, Emily was unsure of what to do next. She didn’t want someone to get hurt because of her, and surely, that’s what was likely to happen now. She hadn’t thought it through properly before calling and requesting help.
Feeling two very large hands on each of her thighs, their warmth bleeding through the denim of her jeans, Emily startled out of her depressing thoughts and looked between the two of them. “Listen up, baby girl, ‘cause I’m only going to say this one time.” At her scowl, Dane continued with a smirk on his lush lips. “We’re not going anywhere. You’re going to get protection and we’re going to help you, understood?” He barked out.
“Yes, sir.” She mock saluted. Shock at seeing lust pool in his dark depths had her shutting up. No way. He couldn’t possibly be attracted to her. Could he? Not wanting to dwell on that thought, she kept her eyes forward and her trap shut. Hearing Coop laugh softly beside her made her slightly grouchy. “Oh, shut it, you.” She muttered to him.
Sitting there thinking about her life, and her less than ideal upbringing with not having a father and having a mother who worked three jobs to keep them afloat meant Emily spent most of her time alone. Usually at the local library, which is where she learned of her love for graphic design. In a way, it was a blessing because she was able to learn all she could about designing websites and creating flyers for local mom and pop shops in her small town of Olds, Nebraska. Population less than she could count on her hands, she thought sardonically. It was the smallest place she had ever been, having only one of everything: grocery store, library, gas station, liquor store, motel, and diner. There were a few fledgling businesses that would pop up here and there, but they didn’t last long. When she was sixteen, her mom got a great job with a law firm in Lincoln, the state’s capital.
In a way her life was good. It allowed Emily to graduate high school early since she pretty much only did school work in her spare time, when she wasn’t making new designs. But she was also able to take a few online courses to get her degree, and at eighteen, she was officially done with school. Her mom was happy at the law firm
and Emily was happy with her designs.
Until that fateful day. Everything was ruined then.