Page 21 of Emily's Protectors (The Protectors 2)
“Sensitive, baby girl? You can feel us everywhere, can’t you?” He questioned already knowing the answer.
“Yes,” she whispered to him.
Seeing Coop lean down to suck on one of her breasts shocked him and spurred him into action to suck on her other one. Tasting her naturally sweet flavor mixed with a small dose of his saltiness was incredibly arousing. Pulling away at the same time as Coop, they made their way towards her lips with him licking across them first, followed by Coop.
“Holy fuck, that was hot,” Coop whispered looking between them.
“Let’s hit the shower,” Dane said picking Emily up and carrying her to the master bath.
Watching Emily sleep with her little body wrapped around Dane’s much bigger one had Coop feeling a peacefulness he hadn’t realized he was missing in his life before this moment. It was like everything was settled inside. He didn’t feel the restlessness he had been before. As corny as it sounded she lightened his heart, made him feel ten feet tall and like he could conquer the world. Ball check Coop, you’re sounding like a twerp, he laughed to himself, secretly checking to make sure they were both still there. We’re good, still got the boys!
Getting up because he knew he wasn’t going back to sleep, he slipped out the room and into Dane’s, grabbing a pair of his sweats. Pulling them on, he made his way downstairs to find Linc and Creed in the kitchen still working away on their laptops.
Looking at the clock, he noticed it was well after two a.m. “What the hell are you guys still doing up?” he asked.
Eyeing him, Linc finally responded. “Didn’t wanna interrupt is all.” He smirked.
“Son of a bitch,” he whispered under his breath, not really thinking about just how loud Emily had been a few short hours ago as they worshipped her delicate body. “Not a fucking word to her, you feel me?” He said pointing between them.
Arms raised, Creed fought a laugh. “Ya, sure man, whatever you say.”
“Dane finds out and he’ll kill you both, you know that right?” That sobered their smart asses up. “Have you found anything new?” he asked.
“Maybe. There was a Medical Examiner in Kentucky that reported she thought it was two people butchering these women, but no one investigated. Looks like they didn’t even really take her seriously.” Creed told him sounding frustrated.
“What is with these backward hick towns that they think any female speaking has to be crying wolf or some shit?” Linc growled. “Someone needs to show their good ole boy ass’s trouble.” He mumbled to himself.
“You’re the guy for it, bro’.” Creed laughed, nudging his brother’s shoulders. “Anyway, I don’t think this Henry character is your stalker, though. He’s too… Meek. He doesn’t have the temperament. I traced him all the way back to childhood. No troubles, not even a suspicion of trouble. Ever. If he was our guy, there’d be something somewhere along the way and it’s just not there.”
Nodding at him, Coop sat down and closed his eyes trying to think. This guy seemed to be five steps ahead at all times. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he leaned forward and grabbed the file closest to him, which happened to be Emily’s from about a year ago when she was living in Ecru, Mississippi. She had been there for about three months when he found her.
Reading further, he started to get angry. How the fuck did we not know this? he wondered, getting up and storming out of the room and back upstairs, vaguely hearing Creed say, “Shit, I don’t think she told them about that yet.”
Slamming through the door, he wasn’t the least bit surprised to see Dane pointing a gun at him thinking he was an intruder. Throwing the covers off a still waking Emily, he spread her thighs while Dane growled. “What the fuck, Coop?” Sounding confused.
Investigating first her left thigh, he quickly realized the mark wasn’t there. Scanning her right, he found it and was instantly terrified and pissed off at the same time. Terrified because it was so close to the femoral artery and it could have killed her; they wouldn’t have had the chance to know her, love her. He already couldn’t picture his life without her in it. She was like a ray of sunshine that brought light into their lives; a light they both desperately needed.
He was angry for two reasons. The first being that she hadn’t told them about it. That he had been that close to her. Seen her. The second was pretty much the same, that he’d gotten so close, but also that he dared put the scar on her. He could tell she hadn’t been to a hospital. Probably stitched it up herself. Looking up her body, he saw the worry and fear in her eyes. That he’d put that look on her face served to piss him off even more.
When Dane looked down and saw what had him so angry, Coop could feel the violence roll off him in waves. His muscles rippled along his sculpted back and chest, the veins bulged in his neck and arms, and he had a tick in his hard as granite jaw.
Grabbing her jaw in a firm hold, he said one word. “Why?”
Clutching Dane’s wrist with both of her much smaller hands, she pleaded. “Dane, please, I just wanted to forget. You don’t understand how hard it has been. Having to constantly move, look over my shoulder in fear. I haven’t known a moment’s peace in years. Years, Dane.” She looked ashamed, like it was somehow her fault he’d put his mark on her.
Shaking her head to get h
er attention, she met Dane’s eyes again and he told her, “This ain’t on you babe. I’m… No, we’re pissed because he thought he could touch what’s ours. And know that you are ours; never mistake that, and nothing will change that.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I always just wished it was a dream, ya know. Like if I didn’t obsess over it like I did for months afterwards, it would just go away.” She explained shyly. “I know it’s silly, but I just want this to be over with is all.”
“We know, baby.” Leaning forward Dane placed a kiss on her forehead before going down and kissing along her scar. “Sleep now, baby girl, we’re gonna go work a bit,” he told her wrapping the blanket back around her.
Giving her a gentle kiss on the lips with a whispered, “We’ll be back in a bit; get some rest.” Coop followed Dane out of the room and back down to the kitchen.
After a restless night of tossing, turning, and silent nightmares, Emily woke up feeling like the walking dead. Making love with Dane and Coop the previous night had been the most amazing experience of her life, and she hoped to repeat it many times in the future. But being woken up just a few short hours later left a bad taste in her mouth. She knew she should have told them about that night, but she just couldn’t bring herself to think about more than was necessary, which really wasn’t a whole lot.
It wasn’t that she was trying to hide it or anything else from them, just that she was embarrassed and ashamed. Not having the police listen to anything she had to say didn’t help matters any either. She was hopeful now, though. She had Coop and Dane on her side, and she knew they wouldn’t let anything slide. Same with Linc and Creed; they seemed especially pissed off about how the police in some of the places she’d lived just didn’t care.