Page 27 of With Kol (Daniels Family 2)
That makes me slightly more nervous, but I understand. “I only want to do this once, Kol.” I’m not sure I can keep reciting what happened. If I’ll survive it.
He nods and grabs my hands. “I’m working on getting Noah into every interview with you. A social worker, too. Captain Pearson has asked his sister-in-law to come in as your lawyer, as well.” He looks frustrated about that.
“Why?” I’m not entirely certain I understand why I need one either.
“Because this isn’t going to be your typical case. Judge Dane has a lot of friends. He’s going to fight tooth and nail. He’s going to make you look like the bad guy.” I can tell saying the words pains him.
Taking a deep breath, I fortify myself for the fight of my life. “I’m ready, Kol.” I have to be. If I want a life with this man, I need to find closure with my past and move forward. I must slay my own demons.
After that, everything happens in a haze until we arrive at the police station. People stare with questions in their eyes as Kol guides me up to his squad room and into his captain’s office. Half a dozen people a
re already in there waiting for us.
Noah stands off to the side while an older man and woman talk in hushed voices in the corner, and two more men are sitting on the sofa against one wall. They stand when they notice Kol.
“Detective Daniels,” the older man greets.
“Captain Pearson, this is Thea Matthews.” I frown at his use of the false last name, but I remain silent. I know he must have a reason for it.
“Miss Matthews, thank you for coming in. I am Ralph Pearson, and this is your attorney, Cynthia Knight. She is solely here for your benefit, so please put your trust in her.” I nod. Insecurity rears its head as he makes more introductions. “These are Detectives Lance Dawes and Tom Titan from Special Victims. They will be the lead investigators on your case.”
“Hi.” I’m so out of my element here.
“Gentleman, can Thea and I have the room, please?” Cynthia’s voice is friendly, but she has a sharp look in her eye. As they slowly filter out of the room, Kol remains by my side, and for now, I’m grateful for his strength. “You, too, Detective Daniels.”
I can feel his scowl. “I’m not leaving her.”
“You’re not protected by privilege, Kol. Please allow us to talk. Send in Lauren when she gets here.” Cynthia doesn’t budge from her stance as Kol stares her down.
“I’ll be fine.” I gaze up and try to reassure him.
Leaning down, he kisses me softly, and I relish the moment before he pulls away. “I’ll be right outside.” I nod and hold my breath until he leaves.
“Alright, Miss Andrews, let’s get down to business.” I’m shocked she used my legal name. “Trust me, it’s best they refer to you as Matthews for now. May I call you Thea?” Cynthia is very no-nonsense.
“Yes, that’s fine.” I sit on the couch as she waves towards it.
“First, I need to know, while using the Matthews name or any other, did you rack up debt? Please be honest with me. The first thing that’s going to come into question is your use of false names.”
“No. Never. I worked under the table and paid for everything with cash.” The thought had never even occurred to me.
“Good. Now, I won’t lie to you, Thea, this is going to be every bit as hard as you think it is, times ten.” My lip quivers already. “Lauren Leigh is a social worker I partner with frequently when it comes to sexual assault victims.”
Staring down at my hands, I feel so inadequate in her presence. She’s polished and put together. I’m a mess and constantly on the verge of tears. “What happens if I don’t pursue this?” I want justice, but not at the expense of my sanity. I’m still unsure if I’m mentally equipped to wade through the storm about to erupt around me.
“That’s up to you. I will represent you no matter what you decide. But Thea,” she grips my balled hands in one of her own until I look up to her. “I’ve been doing this for a lot of years. Burying it will only lead to more torment later on. You will carry this burden for the rest of your life. Fighting now means you could save someone else later.”
I need to look away. I need to be strong. I need to fight. I can’t do anything else but battle for the innocence he stole from me. “Okay,” I whisper, a lone tear sliding down my cheek.
“I’m going to record the rest of our conversation and all future ones, if you don’t mind?” I nod. There’s a knock on the door as she’s about to say something else. “Come in!”
As it opens, a woman around Cynthia’s age walks through with Kol behind her. “Thea?” My heart swells with his desire to rescue me. To keep me from experiencing any pain.
“I’m good,” I croak out as I nod my head. He watches me for another minute before closing the door again. The curtains are drawn, so I don’t see where he goes, but I feel his presence.
“Damn, girl, that man has got it bad for you.” The new woman laughs.
“Thea, this is Lauren. She will be present for any and all conversations that we or the authorities engage in with you. Because you aren’t the bad guy here, you can freely speak to the police, but I always advise you to call me first. They’ve already been informed that if Lauren isn’t present for every interview, I’ll be suing. Just because I can.” Cynthia winks at Lauren.