Page 37 of Until Arsen (Daniels Family 1)
“Being a big brother to a little sister is a huge job, but you won’t find one you’ll love more than this. Girls are gentle creatures. They cry a lot, they’re sensitive, and they need tons of love. More love than just Mom and Dad can give them.”
“They do?” I sit up straighter, sounds like a tough job.
“Yep. When she’s a teenager and a boy breaks her heart that first time, she’s going to look to you to make things better. You’re going to have to show her that men aren’t always selfish, and she needs to be more selective.”
“I like the sound of making her happy.” I always love when Mom smiles at something I’ve done.
“And that’s not all,” he says.
“It’s not?”
“Nope. Sometimes, we have to scare the boys away.”
“Like Uncle Noah?” I remember when Uncle Kol got really mad at him.
“That’s right. We have to make sure they’re worthy of our little sisters. If they can’t impress us, then they got to go!”
“Wow.” This sounds fun now. Except… “What if Mom and Dad don’t love me as much as they used to?”
“You know what they’re going to do, Jake?” I shake my head. “They’re going to love you more.”
My eyes grow wide. “Why?”
“Because not only will they get to raise you, they’ll get to raise your sister and watch how you help them out with her. Because even when she makes you mad—and trust me, she will—you’re going to love her just as much as you love your mom.”
“Do you think she’s born yet?” I jump up, too excited to sit still a second more.
Before Uncle Kol can say a thing, a nurse comes in. “Mr.
“That’s us!” I cheer.
She smiles. “Your Mom and Dad would like you to come meet your sister.”
I follow the nice woman, with Uncle Kol behind me, and as we near Mom’s room, Dad comes out, a big smile on his face. Running to him, he catches me and gives me a huge hug.
“I love ya, kid.”
“Love you, too, Dad.”
He carries me into the room, and Mom smiles at me, looking just as happy as the day she told me I was theirs. “Hi, sweetheart.”
“Hi, Mom. Are you okay?” She doesn’t look like she was ever in pain now.
“I am, baby.” She pats the bed beside her leg, and Dad sits me down. “Would you like to meet your baby sister?”
“I really would.” As she unravels the blanket in her arms, I see a pinched nosed, red-faced little… “Is that an alien?” I tilt my head to the side. Everyone laughs.
“She’ll be cleaned up soon and look more like a sister then.”
“Okay.” I shrug as I reach out a hand touch her cheek. “What’s this white goop on her?”
Dad and Uncle Kol lean over to see my finger as mom laughs. “That’s from the sac she was in, in my belly.”
“Eeewww,” Uncle Kol and I say together. Dad helps me wipe my hand off.
“We have a big job for you, kid,” Dad says.