Page 2 of Until Arsen (Daniels Family 1)
As soon as we enter the house, the sound of kids screaming and laughing assault our ears. “More than just your bunch here today, huh?” I raise a brow at him in question. Nico shrugs and smiles with false innocence.
“Arsen!” S
ophie’s soft voice calls from somewhere. I can’t see her, but she can see me.
“Uh, Soph? You buried in all these kids?” I laugh, only half kidding.
“Oh, quiet, they deserve it.” Her grinning face appears around the corner to the kitchen. “I’m so glad you could make it.”
Before she can reach up to kiss my cheek, Nico is pulling her back, growling, “Watch it, wife.” She swats his hand but doesn’t move.
“Go on out back. The BBQ is on. Food and drinks are spread out. Mingle.” It’s her overly sunny demeanor that has me suspicious as she pushes me out the patio door.
Walking outside, there are at least twenty kids running around, and even though I’ve met the Mayson’s, I’m not so sure I could identify any of them.
“Detective Daniels?” I hear my name and spin around to see Asher Mayson walking towards me. We’ve met twice; both times because of trouble at his club.
“How you doing, Mayson?”
He eyes me critically. We never did get along. “Fine. What are you doing here? Someone call in a noise complaint with the kids?” His smirk holds mockery.
“Nope. Nico and Soph asked me over.” I look around, trying my best to ignore him.
“No kidding.” He seems thoughtful for a second. “You got kids?” I hate small talk. I hate it, even more, when the subject becomes touchy.
He’s puzzled now as he watches me. “Then what the fuck do they want you here for?”
“Asher,” Sophie scolds, coming out behind us. “He’s our friend, and we invited him.” Her tone doesn’t leave much room for argument.
“Whatever,” he mutters, walking away.
Soph rolls her eyes before looking back to me. “I was hoping Marina would be here by now, but I guess she’s not coming.”
And that explains everything. Laughing, I shake my head. “Soph, I’ve told you, I’m not interested in you setting me up. I can find my own woman.”
The stubborn lady laughs and walks away, handing out popsicles to all the kids. The noise pollution grows louder and has Nico and I chuckling at the midgets’ excitement.
“She really invited me here to set me up?” I ask him once the kiddos have quieted down some.
“Yup. Marina Parks is her name. She’s Talon’s kindergarten teacher. Soph met her last year, I think.”
“You haven’t?” I ask him, thinking it strange.
“Very briefly at the beginning of the year. Scared the crap out of her. Couple more times after that, but mostly she meets Soph for lunch.” He laughs at the memory.
“Tell Soph, thanks, but I’ll pass.” I turn to leave when he stops me.
“She’s a nice person. A little young for you, maybe, but nice.”
Who describes anyone as nice anymore? Isn’t that a polite way of saying they are boring? Whatever. Doesn’t matter. I’m not up for this matchmaker shit.