Page 62 of Lost & Found (Possessed 3)
“What about the cougars?” She remembered which way they had come from.
“Any other time I wouldn’t say this, but baby, if you see them, go towards them. Walk, though, don’t run.” She didn’t understand anything that was going on, had no idea why he would even want her to go towards such unpredictable beings. But if he were so sure, she would do as he asked.
“Okay,” she finally agreed.
Kissing her forehead like he did so often, she felt safe. “You guys ready?” Nick asked the room as a whole.
As everyone nodded, Pepper felt a sudden tension in her gut. She was ready, and yet she wasn’t. The desire for everything to end and the need to live through it had her a messy ball of nerves.
James came over to her. “I’ll see you soon, sis.” He squeezed her to him so tightly she began to squirm. The plan was for him to leave first because he had farther to drive. Nick and Ace would leave in ten minutes or so.
She watched with her heart on full display as her two men packed up the weapons they could hide, having put Ace’s rifle in the SUV already. They wanted to be prepared for anything. It was too bad she couldn’t muster up the same confidence.
As they readied themselves, Jake came over to her, handing her a small black case. “This here is a switchblade,” he told her. “Put your thumb here and out pops the blade.” She jumped as the sharp steel whipped out. “He comes anywhere near you, jam it into his belly. Don’t hesitate.” His eyes were harder than she’d ever seen them.
“I won’t.”
She couldn’t remember ever holding a weapon with the intent to harm someone before. Just the idea sent chills racing up and down her spine. She wasn’t equipped for this type of fight; she wasn’t ready. But she wouldn’t say a thing. If they thought for even a second that she was struggling with her role in the entire plan, they would call it off, and her attacker would still roam free. She wouldn’t be able to live with that. He could find another victim.
“Pepper,” Ace called her name and held his arms open. “Come here.”
She nearly ran to him. Her entire body felt like she was shaking inside with nerves and anxiety. “Catch him,” she muttered into his solid chest. Closing her eyes, she absorbed as much of him into herself as she could. Warmth at her back and hands on her hips caused a torrent of emotion swirling through her. She wanted this man caught, he had to pay, but she was terrified that she would become victim to his ministrations and never see these amazing people again.
“It’ll be fine. We’ll get him, and tonight, we’ll show you just what our future will be like,” Nick whispered the promise in her ear.
“I’m holding you to it,” she whispered back.
They never said anything else as Ace leaned down, placing a scorching kiss against her lips. He licked and nipped her mouth until she opened for him, emitting all of his emotions into the single motion. When he finally pulled back, she was out of breath, her lips stinging from his power. Before she could process the loving glimpse in his eyes, Nick had her spinning to do the exact same thing. Only his lips savoured rather than devoured. He took the time to show her he would keep every promise, love every moment.
The next thing she knew, they were gone. Smoke from the exhaust billowing behind the vehicle as they left. She didn’t know how to feel or process anything that was happening. There was so much to find out and not nearly enough time.
“You’re sure they’ll be okay?” she asked Jake when he joined her side.
“It won’t be long now before they’re in position and waiting.” One of his hands la
nded on her shoulder as he told her, “You’re going to be just fine. Go do as they planned, and I’ll bring you some tea before I lay down.”
The plan was for her to be outside most of the day. If Alex didn’t show within the hour, then Nick and Ace would come back, and James would go to the Kicking Horse to have a look around the room she’d shared with Alex. It wasn’t perfect, but without knowing where the man was, they hadn’t gotten the chance to investigate yet. So many things kept happening, and she felt like they would never find him.
She’d only just sat on the porch chair with Roxie when there was an explosion from the back of the house. She was supposed to run, but it was too soon. Roxie’s barking was messing with her mind, and fear for Jake had her torn between running away and running inside to make sure he was alright.
When a window smashed from the bedroom, and another explosion followed, her screams rent the air. It was happening too quickly she realized as she and her companion backed away from the house, still no sign of Jake. When he finally appeared in the doorway, she was a good fifty feet from the house. His coughing made him stumble as he came through the door, a radio in is hand.
A flash of movement from inside the front window had her breath hissing out in a whoosh. Before she could warn Jake, the man had hit him in the head with something, knocking him unconscious. The older man fell down the steps into the snow.
As the intruder came more into the light, she got a better look at him and the evil in his eyes. The classic look of his features, the misleading persona that was his profile. She remembered…
The pain and fear.
The doubt and humiliation.
This man had hurt her in more ways than she could ever explain. He had made her feel worthless, as if she were a nobody. He had made her doubt her self-worth in the span of a few days. He said and did the right thing in front of strangers, but alone, she was nothing to him. How she had been convinced to go away with him, she’ll never understand. Unfortunately, it was something she was going to have to live with.
“Hello, Pepper.” His sickening smile would have been charming to anyone else, but she saw it for the evil he was.
Roxie was growling and snipping at him from alongside her. She’d never seen the dog so aggressive before. Remaining quiet, she waited just long enough for him to pass Jake’s unconscious form before darting into the trees behind her.
Too bad she got turned around and went the wrong way…