Page 41 of Lost & Found (Possessed 3)
Two fucking men at once. He never would have guessed her to be such a slut. Unable to see what was going on because they’d closed the curtains and there was no other place to look in, he’d heard her screams of rapture.
He’d listened at the door as they said filthy, vile words to his woman. He couldn’t believe her. Taking them into her body so easily when after nearly a month of dating, she cringed when he kissed her.
It was pure luck on his part that the window had opened from a huge gust of wind the previous night. He should have taken those men out then, but he hadn’t known they had a dog, and it was huge. As he’d been about to climb through the window, it had stretched and caught his attention. He wasn’t prepared to deal with so much at once.
He’d be back, though. He’d show them who Pepper belonged, too.
Right before he made her watch as he slaughtered them.
Chapter Nine
Stretching as the warm glow from the sun kissed her body, Pepper felt more relaxed now than she had in all the time she could remember. Those two men sure knew how to please a woman. She had no idea sex could be so cathartic, so relaxing.
Never before had she been so involved when Paul was in her life. He was always more worried about his own pleasure than hers. Sadly, seeking gratification after disappointing sex had become routine for her.
“Holy shit,” she whispered into the quiet room. Paul. Her dickhead of an ex-boyfriend.
She remembered!
“God damn!” She practically squealed in excitement, making Roxie howl. Who, in turn, had Ace and Nick jumping up nude from their bed on the floor, looking around for danger.
“What? What’s happening?” Ace asked frantically.
She was too busy admiring their bodies to form a coherent thought.
“Pepper!” They called in unison when she failed to answer either of their questions.
Shaking her head, she gave a sheepish look. “Sorry, but umm, could you maybe cover up? It’s distracting.”
Matching cocky smiles graced their faces, and she fell a little bit in love with them both in that moment. The emotion stole her breath as they slowly began to dress.
“What was so damn important that you s
tarted screaming and howling?” Ace repeated.
She’d nearly forgotten. “I remembered an ex-boyfriend!”
Their matching scowls made her smile. The shared look made her nervous. It spoke volumes. Simply put, she knew a secret was lurking there.
“What?” she asked them both. “This is good, isn’t it?”
Another shared expression.
“What’s with the looks?” she snapped impatiently, knowing it must be about her. Unless they were hiding another woman in the small cabin with her catastrophe of a life.
“Fuck!” She knew by now that if Nick was cursing, it must be bad.
“Just tell me,” she pleaded.
“I’ll make coffee.” Ace avoided her eyes as he walked away. It wasn’t until the beep from the coffee maker being turned on that she even realized the power was back on.
Before Nick spoke, his eyes pleaded with her, for what she wasn’t sure, but what he said next wasn’t what she was expecting.
“I got a call last night,” he began, running a hand down the side of his neck. “It was the Kicking Horse.” The way he said it made her think she should understand what he was getting at. Almost as if he didn’t want to say the words.
“What did they say?” She knew the lodge was where she had been staying before they found her but that was all.
“I have an email waiting for me with all of your information,” Nick responded. Pepper swore her brain misfired.