Page 26 of Lost & Found (Possessed 3)
After an exhausting dinner, Pepper went to bed early. Enjoying the sounds of Nick, Ace, and Jake laughing and talking about days past. Observing them all interact in such a fun-loving way made her envious of their relationship.
She hadn’t an inkling of a clue if she had that type of bond with anyone in her real life, and more than ever, she wished her mind would heal. It had only been a week since they found her half-dead, but her impatience was making itself known as she waited on something to happen. Wondering if someone wanted her dead was the worst part of the whole ordeal. It was hard to go outside not knowing if she should expect a bullet to the back of her head or if she was truly free to enjoy the surrounding winter wonderland.
Laying back on her bed, she tried to relax her mind enough so that some thoughts or memories could bleed through. The warmth from the fireplace and laughter from the front rooms lulled her into a deep sleep where she almost wished she hadn’t gone.
“Come on, Pepper!” her best friend Tami called for her again. It was her first blind date, and she was a nervous wreck. Alex worked with Tami’s brother Ray as a firefighter for the local station, and Ray thought they’d hit it off, so she was going against her better judgment and trusting his.
Looking down at herself in the slinky black dress and peep toe kitten heels, she wasn’t sure she was ready. What if he hated her? What if she hated him? Her hair was curled and pulled to one side, for once not doing whatever it pleased.
Her main fear was that she was going to be too curvy for the fit fireman. She’d never met him, but Tami said he was buff—all muscle not fat. More than anything else, that made her nervous. She had love handles from one too many pieces of cake, and she wasn’t about to change. Which also was part of her problem, according to her ex, Paul.
He hated her curves, always complaining she was an embarrassment when they went out. Never letting her order anything but salad and water. Who can live off that, really? She liked her sweets, and her ass enjoyed her meats. Sue her.
She was healthy, she exercised, didn’t over-eat. Her hips would always be wide, her breasts would never be less than a D-cup, and she was happy with that.
Until Paul.
His obsessive need to make her into some Barbie figure had finally gotten on Pepper’s nerves, and she’d dumped him six months ago. Now Tami was determined to get her back in the game, so to speak.
Pepper wasn’t sure she even wanted to.
As hard as she tried to ignore his put-downs, Paul had gotten into her head. Ruined her confidence and self-esteem. Now it was hard to see any man wanting her and not trying to changing her.
“Pepper Nicole Wallace! If your sexy ass isn’t down here in ten seconds, I’m coming up and dragging you out the door!” Tami yelled again, and she knew her slightly neurotic friend would do it, too.
“I’m coming! Hold your tits, would you!” she called back.
Taking a breath, she smoothed her hands down the front of her dress, grabbing her purse on the way downstairs just as the doorbell rang, making her wince. Before she could do or say anything, Tami was opening the door and letting Alex inside.
“No backing out now,” she mumbled to herself.
“Hi,” Alex greeted as she made it down the stairs. “You look…” His hesitation made her cringe. “Stunning,” he finally finished making her smile softly.
“Thank you, you look nice as well.”
“I’m Alex by the way.” He stuck his hand out to shake.
Taking it, she replied, “Pepper. It’s nice to meet you.” He held her hand longer than necessary, and she got a funny feeling in the pit of her stomach.
“You ready to go?” he asked her. At her nod, he held out his arm for her to take. “Nice seeing you, Tami.”
As they walked out the door, she looked back to Tami who gave her a smile and two thumbs up.
Startled awake by the crackling of burning embers in the fireplace, Pepper struggled to recall her dream. She knew it was important to who she was and what had happened. Nothing was coming through, though. It was like blank space. There one second, gone on the wisp of wind in the next.
Frustration was eating at her. Something had to break, or she was afraid she was going to go insane. Climbing off the bed, she went and sat on the floor in front of the fire with hopes of relaxing her mind and possibly bringing forth her dream Pepper. She concentrated as the flames engulfed the smoldering wood behind the fire gate.
As sparks flew and heat wafted over her in waves, her mind wandered elsewhere.
“Yo, kid. Time to go,” James called for her.
“Aww, five more minutes, James. Please?” Pepper begged.
She loved the new park. For as long as they lived there, the park had always been falling to pieces. The wood was so splintered she couldn’t touch a piece without getting a sliver. Now, finally, the city built a new park with cool new equipment. It was the best she could ask for on her ninth birthday.
“Not this time, Pep. I got stuff to do, and so do you.” Her brother was awesome; he always made time for her. Last week, he’d gotten his driver’s license, and she was afraid he wouldn’t have as much time for her.
She didn’t have very many friends, and being the odd girl out didn’t always mean she fit in. She loved to experiment with science, whether it was making something explode or growing things in petri dishes. She was fascinated with the subject, and some of her peers considered her weird because of it.