Page 83 of Owned by Dominic (Possessed 1)
Brock had been the
one to shoot Casey, but he’d never have let the other men hurt them—she was skeptical about that. He assured her that had Dom not shown up when he did, then he would have taken out the men he was with. It only worked in his favor to have Bradshaw believe he was still on his side. Which was why he’d fueled her hatred for him.
She wasn’t sure how much she believed, if any. But the look on her mother’s face told Deidre that she believed him. That she had faith in his word. Dee had never seen her look at any man with that kind of trust and devotion before.
“You’re never allowed to be alone with our son,” she told Brock, “or alone in this house.”
“Our?” Dom asked.
“What?” She was confused by his question.
“You said our son…”
“I did,” she confirmed. She refused to take it back. Jaxson was hers. By blood or by heart had no matter to her.
“Fucking love you, Princess,” he growled just as his lips crushed hers in a bruising kiss.
The moment the word ours left her lips, Dom’s cock had grown harder than ever before. She sealed her fate upon claiming his son. She’d already done so in so many small ways, but they’d never talked about it. Never said he would be hers, even though Dom knew it.
His lips molded to hers, taking her breathy whispers into his mouth. When she rubbed her body against his like a cat in heat, he grabbed her ass cheeks in his hands lifting her to wrap her legs around his waist.
“Ewww, Mommy and Daddy are loving!” They heard Jax laugh, running away as he did.
It did the trick though, he pulled away from her tempting body before he did something stupid like strip her in front of her parents.
As her eyes opened, tears immediately fell. “Deidre?” he asked as he wiped them away.
The smile she gave stole his breath, made his chest tighten in the happiness he could see in her eyes, “He called me Mommy,” she responded in awe.
“Because you are, Princess,” His grin matched hers.
Their lives had been on a path to hell from nearly the moment they met. Now they were on a journey to the tallest mountains, past the highest peaks, and straight into a perfect sunrise.
Together they’d found a peace neither had anticipated.
Three months later
“Oh God, Dominic!” Deidre cried in pleasure.
“Ssshhh, you’ll wake him up.” He smirked at her, knowing he’d won.
“Screw you!” she spat at him as he pumped inside her slowly.
Leaning forward, he whispered in her ear from behind. “I am.” Laughing when she started cursing him again, only to moan when she tightened her inner muscles on him. “Fuck,” he groaned.
“Harder,” she begged him.
Grabbing both of her butt cheeks in his hands, he pounded in and out of her tight ass as she rubbed her clit with her own fingers, while roughly rolling his balls in her other.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she panted.
“Quiet!” he growled again, slapping one cheek as he did. She bit into the pillow under her face.
When he felt her entire body tense, he knew she was seconds from coming again. Loosening the grip he had on her ass, he slid one hand up her back grabbing at the bend of her neck and pulling her body up to his so his cock lodged deeper in her ass as he pumped harder and farther into her dark depths.