Page 81 of Owned by Dominic (Possessed 1)
Shrugging, Dom told them simply, “I warned you.”
“Close your eyes!” Dee yelled to Jax.
Two shots rang out.
Two bodies hit the floor.
Relief and hope flooded his heart as his world came crashing into his arms from both sides.
When Deidre heard Brooke and Bradshaw come into the room, she’d held her breath, not wanting to make any noise. Unfortunately, even though Jax had tried to remain quiet, dust had tickled his nose and he’d sneezed, giving away their hiding spot.
When Bradshaw opened the vent with a sick smile on his face, she’d tried to back away, but he grabbed her ankle before she c
ould coax Jaxson to move back. He’d ripped her from the vent like she weighed nothing while Brooke grabbed a struggling Jax.
They heard the front door burst open, and Brooke had gone to the bathroom with the young boy in her arms crying and trying to break free.
Seeing Dominic come crashing through the bedroom door had her crying in relief. She’d never been so happy and angry at once because at the same time, Brooke appeared in the bathroom door with a gun to Jaxson’s head and had her ready to explode. Had Casey not killed her, she was pretty sure she would have done it herself.
Twelve hours later and she was still in the hospital with three dozen stitches in her chest, a little boy who clung to her like she would leave him, and a grown-ass man unable to take his eyes off of them long enough to rest.
“I’m fine, Dominic,” she told him for probably the hundredth time in the last hour as he stared at her chest like blood would come pouring out again.
“It’s going to scar,” he said to her.
“Like I care,” she told him wanting to ease some of his guilt. They hadn’t talked about his choice to go after Jax instead of coming for her. To her it was simple, she was a woman who had a lot of shit thrown at her in her short life and could defend herself. Jax was just a baby; he needed someone to protect him. She’d have made the same choice.
He, however, saw it as not being able to protect them both. It was something they were going to have to work on. He needed to let the guilt go so they could move on.
“You don’t think it’ll be a reminder of my failure?” He wouldn’t even look at her.
“Dominic Slade! Don’t you dare. You didn’t fucking fail me! How dare you!” She was so angry she could spit nails.
“Yeah, I did.”
“Look at me, damnit!” When he finally did, she continued. “You decided to save a small child, your own son. There was never a choice to make. If the situation were reversed, I’d save him first, too. You know why?”
He seemed taken aback by her anger as he shook his head. “Because you’re a strong, self-sufficient fucking man. You know how to take care of yourself, how to fight; he doesn’t. So please tell me why you would choose anyone but him.” She was so mad she couldn’t look at him anymore.
Turning her and Jaxson over on the bed so her back was to him, she wasn’t surprised when a few minutes later, he crawled in behind her. “I’m so fucking sorry, though. I could hear the sadness in your voice when you knew what was happening.”
“And I could hear the tears in yours. Don’t think for a second I hold any anger towards you for any of it. Jaxson should and always better come first, for both of us.”
“I promise.” He sighed against her neck. “I love you, Deidre.”
“I love you, too.”
“Pincess?” Jax muttered sleepily.
“Yeah, baby?”
“Tell me a story?” he asked her.
“Let me tell you one my mam used to tell me; it’s more of a sweet Irish prayer.” She smiled thinking of it.