Page 77 of Owned by Dominic (Possessed 1)
Just fucking waiting.
A ringing had everyone jumping into action to check their phones. “Yeah?” Creed answered his. “Good, stay with them. Don’t let her out of your sight.”
Hanging up, he looked to Dom. “Your girl’s good,” he smiled. “She knows they’re there, signaled that she knew. She’s waiting, man, and if I had my bet, she’s going to taunt these guys until you get there. You call that other fucking bitch, so we can get your son.”
Relief flooded his veins knowing that Deedee wasn’t playing patsy and going along with whatever Bradshaw wanted. He knew she was a fighter but wasn’t sure if she would battle as hard if she thought Dom wasn’t coming for her.
Just as he was about to try calling Brooke, his phone rang from an unknown number. “Yeah?” he snapped out.
“Is that any way to treat your future wife?” she cackled.
He had to bite back his disgust at her comment. “Where’s Jaxson?” he demanded to know.
“Oh, relax, the brat’s fine. He’s sleeping off a cocktail.” Her voice gave him chills.
“You fucking drugged him?” Dom bellowed, halting everyone’s movements. Anger clear across their faces as soon as they heard him. A rage like he’d never felt flew through his veins.
“Geez, you act like you’ve never given him medicine before, sweetheart. He’ll be fine. It was just Nyquil.” Stupid fucking cunt! She had no idea.
“Where the fuck are you?”
“How about we play a game?” she sang.
“No fucking games, Brooke. Where the fuck is my son?” His patience was wearing thin.
A tap on his shoulder had him spinning to find Creed and another one of his guys looking at a tablet with a map on it. Creed mouthed, “we’ve got her location”, and for the first time that day, he smiled. She was done for.
As she babbled her game, he half listened while everyone was buzzing around getting things ready to find her and Jaxson and then to go after Dee. He was ready for shit to be done.
“Brooke!” he hollered just as Creed showed him another screen where two dots were blinking. Raising his brow in question, Creed pointed to the first mouthing, “Jaxson”, then pointed to the second mouthing, “Deedee”. They were blinking in the same space, meaning they were likely together.
“Dominic, when are you going to realize we’re perfect for each other? Just need to get rid of this brat first,” she snarled the last part in disgust.
“You fucking touch one hair on his head, and you’re fucking dead. You hear me, Brooke?”
Her laughter rang in his ears as she hung up.
“Pincess!” His voice was music to her ears.
Tied to a bed in nothing but her underwear, it didn’t take her long to figure out what he meant by saying she owed him an heir. Trying not to think about it, though, because it made her skin crawl. She kept working at loosening the ropes holding her in place, but all she’d successfully done so far was rip her skin raw.
With her mouth taped shut, she couldn’t greet Jaxson as he bounced on the bed beside her. A closer look at his face showed her the mistreatment he’d suffered over the last couple of hours that they’d had their hands on him. Her blood boiled. If she could, she’d knock Brooke on her ass for raising a hand to him.
The smirk across Brooke’s face as she closed the door on her way out alerted Deidre to the fact that the woman knew what Deidre was thinking.
“Pincess?” Jax drew her attention with his quiet question.
“Hmm?” she mumbled behind the tape over her mouth.
“Why you tied up?” his voice quivered slightly in fear.
She could only shrug her shoulders in answer to him. If she got out of this intact, she was going to kill these people herself.
“Can I take your tape off?” He wondered.
Nodding her head enthusiastically, she waited as he dug at the corners of the tape to pull. His nails gouged into her cheek, and when he finally began to remove it, she could feel skin tearing as he slowly drew it back.