Page 66 of Owned by Dominic (Possessed 1)
With her hands tied above her and Dom pining her to the wall, she took everything he was giving her. It was rough, it was hard, but most importantly, it was all Dominic.
She watched in fascination as pleasure overtook his features. His shoulders and arms rippled with his strength as he owned her body. Eyes turning the darkest shade of green she’d ever seen, they were nearly black. His lips were quirked into a smirk when he noticed her watching him.
Her man’s thrusts were long and deep, plundering her body so thoroughly that she didn’t think she’d be walking straight anytime soon.
“Oh, Dominic,” she moaned when he hit a particularly sensitive spot inside her.
“You’re fucking perfect, Princess. So tight,” he groaned against her neck.
Pleasure rolled through her in waves so intense her limbs went numb, her vision narrowed to tiny slits only showing Dominic’s strong face. She couldn’t catch her breath when the sensations finally peaked, and she was left with a feeling of complete euphoria. “Dominic!” she mouthed in a nearly silent scream.
“Oh fuck, I got you, Dee,” he roared as she felt the jets of his cum hit her inner walls.
Her pussy was still pulsing as he stopped stroking in and out of her.
A clap of thunder crashed loudly in the distance signaling the end of the downpour. Like it was just background noise for their coupling. It was as if Mother Nature knew they needed the heavy beat of the rain on the roof and the violence of the thunder.
Dominic kept her pinned to the wall, just watching her eyes like he was searching for something. “Every time, my love. Every. Fucking. Time.” He punctuated each word with small kisses on her face.
“Every time what?” she asked huskily, her voice hoarse from crying out.
“Every time is like the first. Every time, you steal my breath. Every fucking time, you make my heart stop with the emotions in your eyes when you come. Every. Fucking. Time,” he repeated, stealing her own breath.
“A lifetime of this feeling, right?” she timidly asked him, looking down between their bodies.
“Two if I have my way.”
A week after she had returned home, they finally settled into a semi-routine. Life was slowly beginning to go back to normal now that Jaxson was home and thriving under their constant care and attention. He was slowly coming out of his shell around new people, making new friends in town now that Deedee was taking him to different mom and tot classes at the small rec center they had.
They drove home singing nursery rhymes she'd bought on CD. "The wheels on the bus go..."
"Wound and wound." Jaxson loved to sing what the motion was. Dom and Case laughed at their a cappella act because they were always off key and out of tune. Singing was not her strong suit.
Pulling into the long driveway up to the house, she noticed tire tracks in the mud from the light rain they'd had that morning. Assuming Dom had come home early, she didn't think anything of it. As soon as she saw the gold Mercedes parked in front of the house, she knew that wasn't the case.
Before she shut the car off, she made a quick call to Dom. "What's up, Princess?"
She melted every time he called her that. "There's a car here. Did you send someone?"
He immediately went into protective caveman mode. "No one. Don't get out. What kind of car is it? Can you see the license plate?" His questions came faster than she could answer.
"It's a gold Mercedes, no plate." The driver’s door opened and she froze. Not in panic or fear but white hot rage. "Oh hell, fucking no," she gritted out angrily.
"Princess?" There was caution in his voice. "What’s going on?" She could hear the engine of his truck start, meaning he'd be there in ten minutes tops.
"Fucking Brooke," was all she had to say before he started cursing.
"Don't get out of that fucking car, Deidre!"
"She's coming over." She could almost feel the steam coming from her ears.
romise me, Princess!" he called out to her.
"Can't do that, Dominic." At least she was honest.