Page 64 of Owned by Dominic (Possessed 1)
If she were any other woman, she might jealous of the bond he shared with so many. Only, she respected it because she knew from experience how damaging losing it could be. Shaking the thought off before it could even begin, she just observed as man and beast connected—waiting for the moment Dom would feel her eyes on him because he would. He seemed to be hyperaware of her presence when he wasn’t enjoying this animalistic freedom that he probably needed to have more often.
As man and beast made another circle around the yard, Raine spotted her and immediately began to rush her. At first, she froze in fear. He was huge and still terrified her. But common sense told her she was safe with the animal whether she was alone with him or not. She knew he held no threat to her.
The second Dom spotted her, though, he jumped off Raine and came towards her, pulling her into his arms before saying anything.
Whenever she was in his strong arms, she knew nothing could harm her. He was her safety net in their crazy world. As he held her tightly, all her fears came to the forefront of her mind. She’d refused to think about them before but with him, she knew he’d hold her through the worst of storms. In her gut, she knew something huge was brewing.
“Do you think she’s dead, Dominic?” That was her worst fear. Her mam had left so many unanswered questions with her letter that she truly hoped she was safe somewhere, hiding.
“I hope not,” he murmured into her hair.
“What do you think Bradshaw wants with me? What could he possibly think I owe him?” Panic was starting to lace her words.
“Calm down, Princess. We’ll get it all figured out, and no matter what, I won’t let anything happen to you.”
The determined look in his gaze told her he meant what he said, but what if something happened to him while he was trying to protect her? She wasn’t sure if she could handle that.
“Don’t even go there,” he growled like he knew what she was thinking.
“Go where?”
“Wherever that look in your eyes was about to take you.”
“I’m just worried about you. You keep promising to protect me, but damnit, Dominic, who’s going to protect you?”
When he would have started to answer, she cut him off before he could say anything. “Don’t you dare tell me you can take care of yourself. Don’t be some macho man. You can’t take the world on by yourself.”
“Smart ass,” he mumbled just before laying his lips over hers. He whispered, “Let me worry about it,” before he took her in a searing kiss of passion and need. She felt it all the way to her toes.
The way he took control of her mouth and body always left her breathless. He could send her flying with a single touch. But before he could truly make her rocket away from all her worries, he pulled away telling her, “Let me get Raine settled in for the night.”
They walked hand in hand to the barn, grabbing the horse’s lead as they passed where he was waiting for Dom’s next command.
“You two are amazing together,” she told him. “He would follow you to the ends of the earth if you let him.” Dom smiled at her observation and she felt like she’d somehow impressed him or found his acceptance.
“He’s smart as hell, can be more bullheaded than Case when he wants to be, but he’s one of the best horses I’ve ever owned.”
Rubbing Raine’s neck in affection, he whispered to her, “Just don’t tell the girls that,” as they entered the barn.
She still managed to blow him away, daily. Deidre’s intuitive nature let her know more about the people around her than she even realized. The fact she could sum up his bond with Raine in so few words told of her natural ability to connect to the world around her with little effort on her part.
As they walked into the barn, she sat on a hay bale and watched as he brushed the horse down and put him to bed for the night with an apple to munch on.
“He’s graceful for such a big horse,” she commented watching as the animal carefully ate the treat from his palm.
“He’s got more class than most grown men.” Dom laughed.
She smiled, and it lit up her entire face. Her eyes glowed with her happiness.
Once his palm was empty, he went and sat beside her grabbing her hand and placing it on his thigh. She chuckled at his move.
They sat there for a while listening to the sounds of the horses bedding down for the night. Owls could be heard in the distance hooting in triumph from the catch of a field mouse. Coyotes were singing a song only they understood. An unexpected crack of thunder pierced the quiet night. Rain quickly followed in a downpour that was unexpected. When Deidre jumped and slowly got up to walk to the barn door to watch the storm, he followed her.
“When I was younger, I loved storms. Their unexpected brutality always amazed me. I would sit in my windowsill for hours watching the savage way it would knock tree’s over with harsh winds. They always fascinated me,” she confessed.