Page 58 of Owned by Dominic (Possessed 1)
“Why did you come after me? Why did you shoot at us?”
He was visibly shaken at the reminder of what he’d done. “Bradshaw instructed us to bring you home. That’s what he told me, at least. The mission was to bring you back no matter what.”
“Even if that meant injuring or even killing others? There was a little boy with me! A man who has given far more to his country than anyone should have to! How could you think that was ok!” Her upset was so severe that tears were rolling down her face.
“I didn’t know.” He tried to defend himself.
“It doesn’t matter! Do you know that the little boy that was with me is his son?” She pointed to Dom. “How he hasn’t killed you yet is beyond me because I sure feel a murderous rage burning in my gut to do just that for even scaring him.”
If she were to kill anyone, she was pretty sure it would have been him. Or Bradshaw.
“I’m sorry. I was strictly instructed to bring you back to England.”
“Why? Why does Bradshaw want me so badly? He should be happy to be free of me by now.” She was still incredibly confused as to why he wanted anything to do with her.
“You know him, Deidre. He keeps everything close to the vest.” What Brock said was true; he’d always been quiet about some of his harsher decisions.
“So you just do as you’re told without a reason why?” Dom snapped at him.
“Loyalty is everything in my world.”
“Blind loyalty gets you killed,” Dom told him angrily.
She had one more question for Brock before she washed her hands of him. “When’s the last time you saw or spoke to my mam?”
“She tried to contact me on your birthday. Nothing since, though.”
“Could Bradshaw have her?” Dom asked him.
“I wouldn’t put it past him.” Brock seemed to wilt at the thought that Bradshaw could have his hands on her again.
“Let’s go,” she told Dom, spinning around to leave. She still wasn’t sure how she was going to proceed with their newfound relationship.
“Deidre!” She stopped but refused to turn. “You have to believe I didn’t know about you. If I had, I would have found a way to take you and Maureen away from him.” She wanted to believe him so bad.
“He wouldn’t have let you,” was all she said in response.
She was vibrating as they left his room, whether from anger or sadness she didn’t know, but she was overwhelmed with both emotions.
“Is Casey still here?” She wanted to see him before they went home.
“Should be ready to discharge today, so maybe,” he told her, pulling her into his own body. “You all right?”
Such a loaded question that she had no answer for. “I’m mad, sad, my world has imploded, and all I want to do is cry. But then I want to hit someone for fucking up my already fucked up life even more.”
Pressing his forehead to hers he said naughtily, “You’re hot when you’re mad.” She snorted in laughter at his light-hearted comment. It was just what she needed. “Seriously, Dee, I’m here. For anything. Scream at me, cry on my shoulder, fuckin’ hit me if it’ll make you feel better. You got me?”
“Yeah, Dom, I got you.” She smiled up at his handsome face, loving his crooked smile.
“Good. Let’s go get this whiney friend of ours before the nurses charge him with harassment or some shit.”
She knew he was kidding but wouldn’t put it past Casey. He was an eternal flirt.
A short elevator ride later and they were walking to his room just as he was being wheeled out by a s
eemingly pissed-off nurse.