Page 56 of Owned by Dominic (Possessed 1)
“When I’m with you, I believe I’m safe. I know I never have a single thing to worry about. For so long, I’ve never thought I belonged anywhere, but when I’m with you, I’m home. You are my safety, my courage. Dominic, you are my home.”
Fuck me.
He didn’t know what to say to her confession. She’d rendered him utterly speechless. How could he possibly tell her that she was all that and more for him, too.
“Fuckin’ hell, Princess.”
Leaning forward, he claimed her lips in a slow caress. Putting everything he felt for her into it. His ownership of her. His need. His love. He poured his entire soul into her mouth as their tongues tangled in a dance as sweet as honey. She gripped his shirt with such intensity like she never wanted to let him go. And that’s exactly what he wanted.
Pulling from her delicious lips, he sighed, “You’re it for me, Princess.”
Her smile lit up her face.
Leaning into his chest, he cradled her head with one hand. Just wanting the enjoyment of holding her for the moment.
“What do we do now?” she questioned him quietly.
“What do you want to do, Dee?”
“Go home.” She didn’t hesitate in her answer, making
him smile.
“Then that’s what we’ll do.”
As they prepared to take flight, Dee sat in silence with one thought on her mind: How did she move forward?
Never in all the years she’d questioned where she belonged or why her father hated her, did she imagine the heartbreaking truth. It was shocking yet made a sick sort of sense. In Bradshaw’s shoes, could she have done what he did? Could she have raised another man’s child as her own? She felt like the answer should be simple considering her bond with Jaxson. She was willing to raise him as her own, but she was never betrayed the way Bradshaw was either.
Not condoning what he did, but she sort of understood his feelings towards her now. Growing up, she’d always thought it was a fault with her, and in a way it was. She was another man’s child after all.
Confusion encompassed her.
She and Dom had spent the previous night talking about everything and nothing at all. He asked her all kinds of questions about her mam and their relationship. He’d told her about his own parents. They’d been married for nearly forty years and happily resided in Florida. But they’d never delved too much into the two of them as a couple, and for that she was grateful. She needed a clear head to decide on where her life was going to go once the danger had passed.
She still carried uncertainty where their relationship was concerned. Everything had been moving at lightning-fast speed and high intensity, so she had to figure out what her genuine feelings were for them together.
She knew he could make her body sing a tune only he knew. He could make her heart beat faster than a runaway train. He took her mind to places she’d never even dreamed of before. The intensity in which he held her left her breathless with need.
But was what she was feeling something born out of gratitude or genuine affection?
Million-dollar question, Dee.
“Sleep, Princess,” Dom whispered in her ear.
And so she did.
The minute they touched down at BWI, Dom ushered Dee off the plane and straight through customs into his waiting truck. He’d texted the garage to bring it around as soon as they could after departing the plane.
She’d slept most of the flight and been scarily quiet the rest. He knew she had a lot on her mind. More than any one person should have to handle. But he wished she would talk or scream or cry or do something other than the cold silence.
He didn’t even think she knew she was doing it. It was one of those things that just was. So much had happened in such a short time, he figured she was still processing.
“What are you thinking, Princess?” he tried asking.