Page 39 of Owned by Dominic (Possessed 1)
“How the fuck did that bitch get that close to them, Casey!” he yelled at his best friend. He was beyond pissed that Deidre had just walked away after dropping that bomb, and he couldn’t be there to gauge her reaction to meeting the parasite. More than ever regretting haven slept with her, but then he wouldn’t have Jax, and it was pretty fucking hard to regret his son for any reason.
“Look man, if I had thought for a second that cum guzzling, gutter slut would have been here, I obviously wouldn’t have brought them out to begin with.” Case tried to explain, but Dom was beyond reason.
“Why the fuck would you even take them out when we don’t know what the fuck is happening?”
“Well, she seemed pretty upset that pipsqueak was eating an MRE. Something about it not having proper nutrients or some shit. I don’t fucking know; the girl’s a manipulator. You better watch your ass with this one.”
Dom knew what he meant. All she had to do was bat her pretty little eyelashes, and he’d do whatever she asked. He just had to make sure she never figured that shit out.
“Look, I’m on my way. Keep your fucking eyes peeled with Brooke on the loose, and with the intel I just got, nothing had better happen to those two Case, or I will own your fucking balls,” he snarled.
“Always with the family jewels, man. Ain’t nothing going to happen to them. Chill out and get your ass back to the house ‘cause this girl looks fit to be tied.”
Hanging up with Case, he knew she was mad. She had every right to be. He should have woken her up and told her where he was going, but he’d been in a hurry to meet his contact.
Larry was someone he’d once trained with in boot camp and had kept in touch over the years. He had become a criminal investigator for the metro police because his hands are dipped in a little bit of everything. He knew Larry would pull through with the information he was looking for. Everyone in the tri-state area went to him when they needed someone located.
Turns out Dom had been right to worry.
Bradshaw and Brooke had both landed at the BWI Airport nearly one right after the other. He didn’t believe in coincidences, so now he knew that Bradshaw would probably have eyes on her soon. Brooke had already found them, which he had his D.C. contact looking into where she could have gotten that information from. He had no idea what anyone’s end game was with them, but he did know one thing; no one was taking Deidre or Jaxson from him.
It would be over his dead body before either happened.
As Casey was driving them back to Dom’s farm, the hairs on the back of Dee’s neck felt like they were standing on end. Like they were trying to tell her something. She got a shiver up her spine as if someone had walked across her grave.
Covertly looking behind them as she pretended to check on a sleeping Jaxson, she spotted a dark SUV with tinted windows preventing her from seeing the passengers. To her it was suspicious. Facing forward again, she murmured, “Casey?”
“Yeah?” he responded seeming distracted.
“Does it feel like someone’s watching us?” She had to know it wasn’t just her.
His short answers weren’t very comforting.
“That SUV is all tinted,” she suggested, hoping he’d let her in on whatever he was thinking.
“Casey?” The fear in her voice was palpable.
He finally looked at her. “It’ll be fine, Double D.” He tried to joke with the name he’d given her a couple days before. It didn’t work.
“Should I call Dominic?”
“Nope.” His eyes were glued between looking at the road ahead, the rearview mirror, and his side mirror.
“But he should know.” She needed to hear his voice. She needed the comfort of his arms wrapped so tightly around her she couldn’t breathe. She needed Dominic.
“He does.”
Now she was confused. How could he possibly know? Unless he was following them.
Whipping around in her seat, she tried to see if the SUV was his when it sped up, slamming them from behind just as Casey told her, “Hang on!”