Page 35 of Owned by Dominic (Possessed 1)
“Daddy?” Jax cried as Dom began to gently pick Deidre up.
“She’ll be good as new in no time, kid.”
Leaning forward, Jax kissed her cheek before Case picked him up, carrying him away as Dom made his way towards to his truck. After placing her in the backseat, he hurriedly jumped into the front.
Speeding away from the house, he was mad that she would even go out there when Raine was loose. He was scared because she was hurt and incredibly frustrated because this incident was the second thing to go wrong on the farm overnight. With Jax sick, he had to feed the chickens, and it was a damn good thing, too, because their feed had been tampered with—rat poison pellets. Had Jax been the one to feed them, they would have all died.
He didn’t know what the fuck was going on, but he would soon. It was another reason why he sent Jax to Angela’s. Dom knew he would be safe there for a day or two. He had a feeling the childish antics could have been Brooke.
“Fuck!” He growled slamming the palm of his hand against the steering wheel.
Deidre could be seriously injured. Hell, she and Jax could have easily been killed by his horse. He should have let Case go to the feed store alone. Should have never left her all alone, period. He just hadn’t been thinking clearly. Discovering the poison had him so angry that he just hopped in his truck without thought.
Pulling up to the small clinic in town, he threw his vehicle in park and jumped out while the engine was still clicking. Grabbing Dee out of the backseat, he quickly made his way through the front doors, worried because she still hadn’t woken up yet.
“Doc!” he yelled, startling the receptionist and two other patients in the waiting room.
“How can I help you, sir?” the new receptionist asked him.
“I need the Doc,” he growled.
“Mr. Slade?” The doctor finally rounded the corner. It’d been a couple years since he’d had to bring Case in, so he was sure the doctor was probably surprised to see him with an unconscious woman in his arms.
“Raine nailed her as he barreled out of the corral about thirty minutes ago. She hasn’t woken up since then.”
“Bring her this way,” he instructed.
Following behind him, Dom was reminded of the last time he’d been here. Case had been drunk out of his mind; the fool had tried to ride Goldie. Raine didn’t like that and showed him by trying to gnaw his shoulder off. It was just after Jax had come into their lives and before Case was completely clean. It was a sobering moment for him. Since then, they hadn’t needed to come back. The doctor used to run a dual clinic: One side for family practice and urgent care, the other for addicts that were detoxing under medical care. Thankfully, he’d decided to keep family and urgent care open.
The physician had a close call once with a detox patient that wasn’t wanting to get clean and had tried to stab a nurse with a needle. Two weeks later, that side of the practice was closed.
As they entered an exam room, Dom placed Deedee on the exam table waiting anxiously for her to wake up or something.
“Did he kick her?”
“No, she was protecting Jax when he ran at them. His chest nailed her, and when she fell, I think she hit her head. I wasn’t very close.” He filled in the blanks and was getting more upset by the moment.
“Jax is all right?”
“He’s fine. Upset about Dee but fine.”
After filling the doctor in on all of her personal information, he went out to the waiting room as they did a full x-ray on her, hoping he wouldn’t have to bring her to the city for a CAT scan.
“Good news, Dom!” He came out not long after. “She’s awake and demanding you.” His smile was infectious.
“Thank fuck,” he mumbled going back to her room.
“Dominic.” She took a breath when she saw him. Her voice was filled with pain.
Going to her side, he ran his knuckles down her cheek. “You scared me, Princess.”
“Scared myself, too,” she mumbled. “The barn door was broken, Dom.”
He’d noticed that as soon as he saw the paddock gates open. “I know, Dee. Let’s get you better before we worry about that, though.”
She went to nod her head only to wince in pain immediately.
“She’s got quite the knot on her head and a small concussion. Otherwise, her body might be a bit stiff the next couple of days. Make sure you wake her every two hours after she falls asleep the first twenty-four hours. If she develops any nausea or her headache worsens, bring her back,” The doctor instructed, filling out a prescription for painkillers before he sent them on their way.