Page 30 of Owned by Dominic (Possessed 1)
“That remains to be seen,” she grumbled, going to the living room to check on Jaxson.
His doctor had given him some children’s Tylenol to help combat the fever and make him comfortable, but Dee still wasn’t feeling a difference in his temperature. “Are you sure we have to leave him, Dom?”
“He’ll be fine with Case, Princess.” Obviously frustrated with her reluctance to let him go, Dom grabbed her hand telling Casey to stay quiet before dragging her out the back to the barn with the horses.
Entering the stables, she heard Goldie and Honey clicking for attention as soon as they came in. Walking to their stall, she grabbed a sugar cube for Goldie, unsure if Honey could eat one yet.
“How you doing, sweet mama?” she cooed. Honey, not to be left out, snorted her displeasure at not being touched. “Hi, little lady,” she stroked her long nose.
“C’mon, you’re riding with me on Raine.” he informed her, opening the humungous horse’s stall.
“God, he’s gorgeous!” she muttered in awe of the magnificent beast before her. Black all over with intelligent green eyes. His legs danced with the need to move; she was sure. “How often do you usually take him out?” she asked, stroking the horse’s nose carefully, not wanting to startle him.
“For the most part, daily,” Dom answered as he placed a blanket on his back. The saddle followed.
When she stopped rubbing Raine’s nose, he gave a frustrated huff and pushed her shoulder back nearly knocking her over. Laughing, she began rubbing him down again as Dom grouched. “Fucking mooch, you got your own woman.”
Dom was trying to hold his laughter in at the stark look of fear on her face when tasked with the challenge of getting on Raine. He was already sitting atop the horse while trying to instruct her stubborn—I need no help—ass on how to get up from the stool.
Deciding he’d had enough and Raine was ready to run, he simply grabbed hold of both her arms, placing her in front of him straddling his thighs so she was facing him. Her squeal of laughter had the horse dancing in place. If it weren’t for a tight grip with his thighs on the beast’s back, he would have darted out of the barn.
“Oh my gosh, it’s so high,” Deedee mumbled wrapping her arms around his waist.
“Hold on tight, Princess,” he instructed her just before giving the horse the signal to go.
As they raced out of the barn and into the midday’s sun, he felt Dee relax against him. With one arm securely around her waist and the other holding the reigns, he looked down to see her eyes closed and a huge smile grace her ruby red lips.
“Fucking beautiful,” he complimented her just before pecking her lips, nibbling the bottom one lightly as he pulled away.
“Mmmm,” she hummed, laying her head on his
The heat from between her legs was playing havoc on his already unruly dick where she was concerned. The bounce as they rode had her rubbing against him roughly.
“Your heart’s beating so fast,” she murmured sweetly.
Raine knew the route they were taking, so he was free to rub her and play with her hair as he told her, “I can feel your warmth, Princess. It’s making me hard as fuck.”
She looked up at him coyly through slotted eyes, her ear never leaving the feel of his heartbeat as she whispered, “I can feel it.” A blush worked its way up her cheeks as soon as the words left her mouth.
“Little tease.” He laughed as he squeezed her neck at the nape.
She let out a breathy sigh, asking, “Kiss me, Dom?”
Moving closer, he captured her mouth in a slow slide of heat. She melted into him. With the hand still holding the reigns, he placed it on her back, pushing her hips further into his so with every gallop, she felt the pressure of his arousal. His need to feel her under him.
Her hands made their way up into his hair giving a sharp tug as she bit his lip hard enough to bruise. “Fuck, yeah.”
Deepening the kiss, he sucked her tongue into his mouth needing her like a match needs a flame, like thunder needs lightening. He needed her like his next breath.
Feeling Raine starting to slow down, he looked up taking note of where they were—by the pond surrounded with trees, about five hundred yards from the house. As soon as the horse stopped, he jumped off tying his reigns loosely to a tree before pulling Deedee down into his hold.
Just as he was about to grab her, she jumped onto him knocking them both to the ground as she laughed. “Christ,” he groaned landing on his back. “Too old for this shit, Princess.”
Her laughter died when he said that, quickly followed by a quizzical look. “How old are you, Dom?”