Page 23 of Owned by Dominic (Possessed 1)
“Why, yes, I suppose it would.” He was starting to waver.
“Could you imagine how traumatized a boy of three would be to go to a woman who doesn’t even know his name?” she expressed, horrified like she could picture it in her mind. “Why don’t you go back to Ms. Cavalier and tell her you could not locate this Mr. Slade. So funny our names are so similar, don’t ya think?”
“Yes, you’re absolutely right,” he agreed.
She could practically feel Dominic’s anger at her.
“I must warn you, though, Ms. Cavalier won’t give up.”
“Oh, I don’t see that being a problem,” she smiled sweetly, “because there is no Dominic Slade living here. Please inform her that if another representative of hers comes onto this land, I have a policy.”
“What policy?”
“Shoot first. Question later.” At that, she turned and went into the house with the knowledge that she’d scared his pants off from the way he backed up to his vehicle, and she could now hear the tires squealing as he left.
By the time the smarmy attorney left, Casey was doubled over with laughter, he was fuming, and Deedee had run off. What the fuck just happened?
Dom couldn’t believe what she’d just done. He was in shock. Shock that Brooke was looking for Jax. Shock at the performance that Deedee had just put on. Shocked that she’d gotten the attorney to leave. He didn’t need her to fight his battles for him. Though he could see why she had. If she hadn’t stepped in, the man probably had a subpoena of some sort and would have served him. But because she claimed to be him, and further planted doubt in the man’s mind, he hadn’t. For now, he was off the hook, but he knew Brooke. Knew she’d come back or send someone else. She was a heartless fucking bitch.
“Fuck off, Case,” he told his best friend before slamming inside the house in search of this incredible and slightly neurotic woman of his.
“Deidre O’Connor, don’t fucking run from me!” he hollered when he saw her ready to flee for the back door. She froze mid-step. Turning slowly, she backed into a wall as he walked closer.
Leaning into her, he trapped her with his arms on either side of her head and his pelvis pressing her flat. “What. The. Fuck,” he gritted out.
“I...I...I...I’m sorry, Dom. It’s just, I knew what was going to happen, and you’re so perfect with Jax. I couldn’t bear to see him taken away from you by a woman who doesn’t even know his name. I didn’t think! I’m sorry, Dom, I’m so sorry!” she stammered.
He searched her face and her eyes, not for something she may be hiding, but for how her words rang true with the emotions he’d been picking up from her. He’d kept himself away the past few days because he couldn’t stand not owning every piece of her soul. Of not feeling her lithe body moving under him in passion. He knew the next time he put his hands on her, he was going to make her his.
Slowly lowering his head to hers, he took her lips in a sensual kiss of exploration. He devoured her mouth with his own, making love to her with his tongue the way he wanted to with his body. Her moans escalated as he picked her up in his arms. Holding her body to the wall with his hips, his hands roamed freely up her chest. Going under her small shirt he lifted her bra up, playing and pulling on her nipples.
“Oh God, Dominic!” She panted as he started raining rough kisses down her neck to her shoulders and finally her breasts, where he lifted her shirt with his teeth so he could see her perfect pink nipples. Capturing one between his teeth, he sucked roughly before biting down at the bottom of it and pulling lightly.
She dug her hands into his hair, tugging sharply, causing his cock to swell even more. He loved a little pain with his pleasure. “Fuck, Princess,” he mumbled as her legs tightened on his hips.
“Dominic,” she emitted, her voice threaded with an aroused panic.
She liked the pain, too. He smirked around her nipple.
Grinding his hardness into her heated core, he could almost feel the wetness her arousal caused. Needing to feel it full on, he lifted her peasant skirt. Undoing his jeans, he pulled her skimpy panties to the side sliding the length of his cock between her warm, wet pussy lips.
“Oh, fuckkk,” he groaned in pleasure.
He could feel her core pulsing with her need. The need to be filled. “Please, Dom,” she begged.
“You want it, Princess?”
“Yes,” she moaned grinding against him.
“Then take it.”
She looked at him, he could see the vulnerability in her eyes, the need for release. She shocked him by sliding her hand between them, grabbing his cock and pumping it in her hands a couple times before placing it at her entrance. Her skin felt like velvet as she placed him inside of her. With just his head widening her entrance, she stroked him until he was leaking pre-cum to lubricate his way in her untried depths.
“You sure, Deidre?” He had to know this was what she truly wanted and not because it was what he needed.
“Yes, Dominic. I need you to fill me. I need you to make me whole again. I just…need you.” She moaned the last part as he slowly worked his way inside her tight channel.