Page 14 of Owned by Dominic (Possessed 1)
“He did. I was going to let her go after bringing her to him. Fuck,” he growled. “She was supposed to be a job. I protected her as a kid.”
“But that’s changed. I can’t let her go. Hell, I won’t let her go. Ever. Fuck him and anyone else who tries to put hands on her. She’s mine,” Dom claimed. Her insides went fuzzy with hope. He wanted her. Dominic wanted her. It had been so long since anyone took an interest in her.
The ride was quiet after that. For the first time in years, she was able to fall asleep with hope in her heart.
Pulling up to the gates of their small farm, Dom took in his first breath of relief. While Deedee slept in the back seat, his mind stayed on what her father wanted her for. She was eighteen now and could legally do anything she chose. So the fact that he wanted to see her was baffling because not once in the last seven years had he tried to make contact unless it was necessary.
Climbing quietly from the truck as Case shut it off, it wasn’t long before he heard the front door slam and small feet running towards him.
Bending down, he prepared to be knocked on his ass by his very enthusiastic child.
“Daddy!” he screamed as Dom caught him.
“How you doin’, kid?”
“Good,” he answered trying to look in the vehicle. “Who dat?”
Turning around, he saw that Deedee was now sitting up, shock written across her features. Putting his son down, he went to open her door when she threw it open nearly hitting him.
“Princess,” he murmured, going to reach for her when she drew away from him. Oh hell, fucking no! Grabbing her hand roughly.
“Don’t, Dominic,” she warned him. Anger in her voice, and tears in her eyes.
You’re an idiot, dude. She thinks you have a woman waiting here. Fuck!
“C’mere, kid,” he told his son.
As soon as the little boy fully saw Deidre, he went running up to her pulling on the hem of her shirt so she’d kneel down. “Hi,” he whispers to her when she met him on his level. “My names Axson,” he introduced, offering her his hand, too.
A smile lit up her face as she shook his hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Jaxson. I’m Deidre.” The fact she understood his son couldn’t pronounce the J in his name amazed him.
Looking back to him, Jax’s eyes were furrowed in confusion before looking back to the woman in front of him. “But Daddy call you Pincess?”
Laughter lit her eyes. “He did, didn’t he? He’s funny like that. He calls me three names,” she whispered conspiratorially.
The look on his son’s face was comical, at best, as he asked, “You have fhree names?”
“Alright, Jax, that’s enough. Let’s go inside. Where’s Angela?”
“I don’t know!” he screamed running back in the house.
“Shit.” The last time he’d said that she’d been glued to a chair.
“You have a son.” He heard Dee whisper behind him. The look on her face was devastating. She looked betrayed.
He has a son! She couldn’t believe it. Well, actually she could. He was an amazing man. Of course, he would be married and have babies. Who wouldn’t want to be the mother of his children? But shit, he could have warned her. He kissed her, for crying out loud! Led her to believe there was something between them.
“You snake!” she shouted at him slapping his arm hard enough to sting her hand.
She’d clearly surprised him? Stupid jerk.