Page 9 of Naughty Tales Collection
“I do.”
“So why did you?”
“Because I want part of you with me always. Even when you’re done with me.” As the words leave my mouth, I realize they’re true. If I were to become pregnant, and he wanted nothing to do with us, I’d still be happy, because I’d have created a beautiful life with a man I love.
“I don’t know if I’m ready to share you yet,” he murmurs with a sexy half-grin. Not at all mad like I thought he was.
“Oh my.”
Amazed, I can’t hide my smile.
Chapter Four
At some point through the night, Martin was called away for a homicide in the city, leaving me in bed to sleep. I didn’t want him to go, but he has a very important career that can’t be pushed to the side.
My parents come home today and I’m hoping Martin will be back before they are. They aren’t bad parents, or even mean, but they are very much against me dating before graduation in a couple months.
I’m not sure how I’ll break it to them that I’m with an older man. I know for certain they won’t be happy. Especially because they aren’t fond of Martin to begin with.
I’m not sure if it’s because of when he got drunk last summer and fell asleep on one of the lounge chairs in Onyx and Grace’s backyard, or because he’s a cop. Maybe it’s something completely different. I’m not sure.
Crawling from bed, my body is deliciously sore from the amount of love-making over the last thirty-six hours. I can feel muscles I never knew existed stretching in protest. Heading for the shower, I turn it on as hot as my body can stand it and let the water soak me as it rains down.
When the water starts to cool down, I wash my hair and body, reluctant to scrub any of Martin’s scent off of me. After blow drying my hair and getting dressed in a pair of shorts and a tank top, I grab my chemistry book with the intent to study for an exam later this week.
The heat is sweltering as I step outside. Sitting on the edge of the pool, I let my legs dangle in the warm water. Opening the first page I have ear marked, I begin reading. My eyes blur as the words register in my mind, and soon, I’m so lost in the pages I don’t realize I have a visitor until I feel his soft lips on my shoulder, kissing left to right until he’s covered all the exposed flesh on my back.
“Fuck, do you ever look sexy sitting out here like this,” Martin murmurs in my ear as he rolls up his jeans legs and sits behind me.
“Chem exam at
the end of the week.” I turn the cover so he can see.
“Yikes. Never was any good with that.” His hands rub along my thighs, distracting me from what I was reading.
“I do alright,” I whisper, enjoying his touch.
“I bet you’re being modest.” I can hear the grin in his tone.
Shrugging, I try to get back to what I was doing, but it’s impossible with his body heat devouring me and sucking me into his raw magnetism.
“My parents will be home today,” I blurt out. I still haven’t figured out how I’ll tell them I’m with a man almost ten years my senior. Or that he’s a cop. Or that he’s a man they already dislike. I know they won’t be pleased, and they’re going try to forbid me from seeing him.
“Oh yeah?” He doesn’t sound too concerned.
Biting my lip, I turn around to look up at him. “I don’t know how I’m going to tell them about us.” Martin is a steam roller, and I know that if I let him do it, there will be no tact.
“I see.” His voice says he’s perplexed while his eyes tell a different tale. One of indecision, or maybe even worry. “What are your plans for the fall?” he questions, and I’m thrown by the change in subject.
“Oh, well, I was accepted to New York University, Columbia, and Berkeley.” I smile, because they were my top three schools.
“That all?” His chuckle is masculine and sends shivers racing down my spine.
“No. But they’re who I’m choosing from. I have to have a final answer at the end of this month.” Which is only a couple weeks away. I’ve been leaning towards Columbia.
“Berkeley is in California.” His frown affirms the displeasure in his voice.