Page 27 of Naughty Tales Collection
“First and foremost, show her the fucking respect she deserves.” I bark. I’m older, I’m bigger, I’ll whoop his ass for disrespecting her with his callous words.
He snorts. “Respect? You’re the one paying my little brother off so you can screw around with her.”
Hard to deny. “Yeah, I gave him money to get lost. I’ll fucking do it a hundred times over too. Eden is mine. Much as I’d like to fuck her anywhere anytime, I won’t do it with the kid around. I’m also certain he didn’t phrase it that way, you simply took it that way because you feel guilty for not being around.” Eden had explained a bit about their situation and while it angered me, I also have great respect for the sacrifice she’s making so that Oliver can finish school in one place instead of four like she had.
“Excuse me? I could go to the school board and tell them you’re fucking a student.” He threatens.
“You could. Except she’s not my student. Not here or anywhere else. So that’d be a big fucking mistake on your part.” I know that he’s just posturing, feeling me out to find out my commitment to his sister, doesn’t mean I’ll put up with his shit.
“Because it’d hurt Eden, dipshit.”
“You’re too old for her.”
“The fuck I am.”
“She has her whole life ahead of her.” He tries another argument.
“And she’ll have my support the entire time.”
Before Carson can try and argue another point, the door opens and in walks Oliver. “Hey, Jack, Eady asked me to—Carson? What are you doing here?” Oliver looked happy to see his older brother for a split second before he realized why he was likely here.
“You’re phone call last night.” The older of the two says.
“Phone call? Because he gave me a hundred bucks?” He appears confused.
Carson turns towards him fully now. “You said he was paying you to sleep with our sister.”
Oliver pales before his shocked stare meets mine. I lift a brow in question. “I didn’t mean it like that!” His protest is hysterical. “I swear Mr. Daily, I didn’t mean it to sound like she was a hooker. Just because she strips, doesn’t mean—”
“Strips!” Carson shouts, obviously not knowing how Eden kept them afloat.
“Shit.” Oliver mutters, looking at his feet.
“Language.” I scold him. “As fun as this is, and it’s been a fucking blast, Oliver get your ass back to class. Carson, sit before you fall because I am not picking you up off the floor.”
“Sure.” Oliver mumbles and hands me what he came in for before rushing out and closing the door behind him.
“Well I’ll be fucking damned.” The little vixen played me. Hard. In my hands is my reservation for The Secret Garden on Halloween, my stripper for the evening is Eden and we’re reserved in the Apple Tree room for the whole night.
“She really strips?” Carson says. I nearly forgot he was here.
“She loves it.” I tell him.
He stares up at me. “How the hell can you be okay with that?” Oh, now he wants me to be the protective boyfriend. Christ.
“Because it makes her happy. And I know it’s the best club in the city. The owners give a shit about the dancers and the bouncers actually do their job.”
“How can you be alright with it though? She dances for other men.”
I see I’m going to have to repeat myself a lot with him. “I’m her man, she can dance and entice anyone she wants but at the end of the day, she’s mine. Eden hasn’t got eyes for anyone but me.”
We’ve mostly just fucked when we’re together, but I see in her eyes exactly what I feel for her. I have no doubt that she’s as much in love with me as I am with her.
“I strongly suggest that when you go home, you mention nothing of this outburst of yours, nor the accusations you were throwing around. No need to hurt her over something so foolish.” He nods. “Besides I’d hate to have to kick your ass for making her cry.” I may be joking with him, but I’d do it. I won’t have anyone making her upset over something so ridiculous.
“Yeah, thanks. I’ll go surprise her. Tell Oli to keep his trap shut, will you?” I nod my agreement and Carson leaves.