Page 34 of Blackmailed by the Mafia Boss
At the door, she lifted her hand and knocked.
“Come in.”
Her heart was pounding so badly. She wondered if anyone else could hear it.
Pushing the door open, she entered Gino’s office. She had never been here before, and seeing him now, he looked like a very powerful man. His head was bowed over some paperwork and he was writing frantically.
“Whatever it is, state your request and get the fuck out,” he said.
He didn’t lift his head. He must trust his men to make sure no one brought a gun in to shoot him.
With the way he’d treated her, she had a right to shoot him.
She opened her mouth and closed it. Clenching her hands into fists, she knew she had to be strong.
“I’m in love with you,” she said.
This made him raise his head, and when she looked at him, she gasped.
His face was covered in bruises, and now she saw one of his hands was bandaged
“What the hell happened to you?” She rushed toward him, not caring what he said.
He turned toward her as she rounded the desk and touched his face.
“It looks like you ran into fists, so many of them.”
“It’s not far wrong.” She cupped his cheek, careful as he winced. “Let’s say I had a bad day at the office.”
“Who did this?”
“Work did this. I had a little problem that I had to take care of.” He took her hands and placed them down her sides.
“What are you doing here?” he asked.
“You know why I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere.”
“Avery, this is not—”
“I’m in love with you. I don’t care what life it is you lead. I hate that you kicked me out the way you did, but I don’t care. I forgive you. You can give me multiple orgasms. I know you have feelings for me too. Seeing you like this, that’s why you made me leave, isn’t it?”
Gino’s lips were in a stern line.
“I’m not taking no for an answer here, Mr. Mazza. You scared me once but no more.”
“You’re a pain in my ass.”
“But I’m the kind of pain you like. Now, answer my question. Did you send me away because of what you had to do?”
Gino didn’t expect to see Avery again. Not when he gave his men strict instructions to push her out of his home and to make sure he never had to see her again. That last night was all he was going to allow himself to have. A night of letting his actions tell this woman that he loved her, every annoying inch of her. He couldn’t say the words as he didn’t know if he’d be around to tell her just how much.
He’d gotten information about the Cartel attack. The men The Boss had sent to him wouldn’t be enough, and he didn’t have the time to gather the ranks.
Down at the docks, he’d taken his men, and it had been a slaughter. He’d lost a lot of men, and nearly his own life. A broken face and hand were nothing compared to the bloodbath. The Cartels had underestimated them, and they had barely made it out alive.
Before the attack, he’d feared for Avery’s life. Being with him, holding a connection, had put her life at risk. By sending her home, hiding her, wiping out all trace of her father’s debt, he’d been able to protect her in some way.
The past two weeks had been hell.
He finally knew what his father had faced, only, Gino knew his woman was still alive. He’d wanted to go to her time and time again, but he stopped himself each time.
With him, she didn’t have much of a life.
Without him, she could have everything.
He cupped her cheek, seeing the tears in her eyes. “I shouldn’t love you, Avery. Your father borrowed money. You were only supposed to be a toy to me.”
She chuckled. “But I’m a toy you love?”
He pressed his lips together.
“You can try and pretend to be the bigger man here, but I know you. I’ve been with you when you’ve not had to play at being someone you’re not. Don’t lie to me, Gino. I know you don’t owe me anything, that we’re both equal here, but I love you. I love you so much that I’ve hated being away from you.” She took his hands. “These cause so much pain, and I don’t care. I love you. Only you. I want to be with you forever. I’m putting everything out there so that you know when I leave this room, you’ll have a piece of me with you … always.”
She leaned down, kissing his lips.
He didn’t say anything. Not one word.
She let out a little gasp almost as if her heart was breaking just a little too much.
He couldn’t stand to see her crying.
“I guess I was wrong.”