Page 20 of Blackmailed by the Mafia Boss
“With how wet your pussy was last night, I’d say they weren’t bad observations.”
She thought about last night and the way he’d straddled her chest as she sucked him off.
“You’re thinking about that right now, aren’t you?”
She nodded.
“Did you enjoy it?” he asked.
“You know I did.” She stared down at her breakfast. “There’s something I want to ask you.”
“Ask it.”
“Just like that?”
“I’m an easy man to deal with, Avery. Ask and you shall receive.”
This brought a smile to her lips. “It’s about my dad.”
She watched him tense, which didn’t exactly work in her favor.
“What about him?”
“I was wondering if at all possible, I could talk to him.”
“Why not?”
“We have a deal, Avery. You belong to me. I’m not going to have you communicating with your father. He’s got to sort out his own deal. Breakfast is finished. We’re going for a walk.”
“You’re not even going to think about it?”
“I have thought about it, briefly, and the answer is still the same. Still no.”
“You promised me something. You think this is going to do well for my reputation when they learn I let a daughter live? I should make an example of you, and by keeping you away from your father, that’s what I’m doing.”
“You’re not hurting me though, or punishing me.”
“You don’t think I am? I’d say by not allowing you to talk to your father, that’s exactly what I’m doing.” He got up and held out his hand.
She was tempted to deny him, to just go back to her room, but she wasn’t that stupid or that stubborn. The last thing she wanted to do was to go to her room. Instead, she took his hand and followed him out of the house into the garden.
There was no chance to make small talk. Gino walked with so much determination, she could only keep up with him, and to do so, she was out of breath.
“Could you slow down?” she asked.
“I’ve got things I need to do, and they don’t require me to babysit.” They did a complete lap of the garden before he took her back to her room. She saw a guard waiting. She didn’t get the chance to say anything else as Gino left her in the room.
The sound of the lock flicking into place filled the air.
She moved toward the window and stared out over the garden. Why was it so bad for her to talk to her father?
No matter what happened, she couldn’t for a second allow herself to think Gino cared. He was a businessman, and he was taking payment from her. The interest.
Work was a satisfying and glorious thing. For an entire week, Gino threw himself into his work, with deals, contracts, accounts, and everything he had to do to stay on top as Capo. There was some bloodshed, which he didn’t mind, as it helped him to rid his body of the internal frustration Avery had set within him.
Since she was his personal toy, he could use her in any way he saw fit. So far, he had her in his company for breakfast and dinner, but he wouldn’t allow her to try to talk personal shit. He didn’t want or need to know about her parents, or about her father.
She had no right to ask him to talk to her father.
He was the one that had been slighted, not that asshole. It irritated him to know that she was even thinking about her father.
By the end of the week, he’d had enough of ignoring her.
He didn’t bring her down for dinner but went to her room.
She was lying on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. Much to his surprise, she was naked.
“What are you doing?”
“Wondering if boredom can kill.” She tilted her head back. “What have I done to not be allowed downstairs?”
He closed the door, but she didn’t get up or try to hide her nakedness. Maybe boredom really was a bad thing.
“You know, before you came along, I spent a whole lot of time working. I took care of children every single day. Then I was trying to raise the funds for the debt my father owed. I cooked. I cleaned. I went to the library all the time. I did things. Do you even realize how long twenty-four hours are?”
“I know.”
She burst out laughing. “You see, I know how long it is. An entire freaking day, but I’ve spent a great deal of my life wishing for more hours. For more time because when you’ve got errands to run, and your life is just one appointment after another, there is never any time. No time. Zip.”
“What is your point?”
“Right now, I’d give anything to have a busy life.”
“You’re not happy.”
“I’m locked in a room. Breakfast, if you talked to me would be bearable. Even our walk is torture. I can’t look at anything. You march everywhere as if it’s your personal mission to just run and do nothing. I don’t know what to do anymore.” She sighed. “I’m moaning again.”