Page 18 of Blackmailed by the Mafia Boss
“You can take me.” He held onto the headboard of the bed, as he fucked her. Slowly, he placed his dick to her throat, giving her a chance to get accustomed to him. Her gaze was wild, but he coached her. “Breathe through your nose. Trust me.”
He’d not given her a single reason to trust him, but she did. He saw it in her eyes as he sank into her throat and pulled back up. The moment she gagged, he gave her time to breathe, to get used to him once again, before trying it.
He was so close to coming. Her lack of experience was a tease to his senses.
Gino gave her a single warning before he filled her mouth with his cum. He did so with a growl, and she didn’t make a move to swallow.
When he’d emptied himself into her mouth, he eased out.
“Now show me.”
She opened her lips, and he groaned. Her mouth was full of his white, creamy cum.
“Swallow it.”
She had to in a couple of gulps.
“Now show me.”
She did so. Her mouth and throat were clear.
“Good girl. You have earned yourself a breakfast and a walk tomorrow.” He saw her cheeks were red and flushed. “In fact, would you like to take a walk now?”
“Right now?”
“Yes. You can’t get dressed.”
“My men are trained not to see these things. You’ll be perfectly safe.”
“You’re going naked as well?” she asked.
He held his hand out to her, and she took it. He felt the slight quiver she tried to hide. Giving her hand a squeeze in an attempt to offer her comfort, he led her out of the bedroom and down the hall.
“There’s no guard?”
“Not while I’m with you. The moment I leave, someone is always here to lock the door and guard you.”
“Do you really think I’m that much of a risk?”
“No, but it’s also for your own safety. I have a lot of enemies.”
She nodded. They passed a couple of guards, and he saw her trying to show as little of her body as she could. She’d turn toward him, or put her hand up.
His men were used to him walking around naked. He wasn’t ashamed of his body, and besides, he didn’t always like to wear pajamas.
Opening the double doors of the dining room, he swept his hand in front of him. “This is where we’ll be eating breakfast and dinner.” He didn’t let go of her hand. She didn’t try to pull away.
“It’s so big. You eat here all the time?”
“Apart from this evening. Yes.”
“Don’t you ever get lonely?” she asked.
“What does loneliness have to do with anything?”
“I don’t know. As a kid I remember my parents always made sure they ate around the dinner table.”
Gino paused. His parents, before his mother’s death, had always done the same. In fact, they had tried to behave like a normal family and not speak of his father’s place within the mafia, or being a Capo.
Dinner time was an extension of family time, and his mother always cooked something special. She once told him that good food wasn’t just for special occasions. Everyone had a right to enjoy it themselves.
“My family did as well.”
“They did?”
“Don’t you miss it?”
“My mom died, and it stopped. It was a tradition that wasn’t carried on.” His father rarely if ever ate at the table his mother had once sat at. He often wondered if it was because his father was ashamed. Each time he sat at the table, her memory was so strong. It was a constant, never-ending reminder that she was gone.
Gino had forced himself to eat at that table every single night. No matter the quality of the food, he knew his mother wouldn’t have wanted them to not eat together. He’d never begged his father, but each time he ate a meal, he always had a little prayer for the woman he couldn’t save.
“Enough for tonight.” He was done playing happy with this woman. She was his prisoner, and he needed to keep reminding himself of that.
Chapter Six
The following morning, Avery paid close attention to the way she dressed. She put on one of the nicest dresses he’d bought for her. Nothing too fancy, but one that said she was making an effort.
Next, she made sure her hair was brushed, and her face completely clear of sleep. She’d not been given any makeup, but she wouldn’t have the first clue how to actually apply it. Her mother had always told her that she didn’t need makeup.
After her mother died, she just didn’t see a reason to try to learn a skill for stuff she couldn’t afford and didn’t want.
Once she was ready, she sat on the edge of the bed, hands clasped together, waiting.
What if he’d lied? What if he didn’t want her to go to breakfast?
She saw the complete shift and shutdown after their sharing last night. Gino had seemed almost normal, and not the scary Capo he showed the world. She had even felt sorry for him, and she didn’t know if that made her stupid or not. He was a man who had probably killed people.