Page 5 of Pitched
“I thought maybe you weren't coming.”
“Nah. I got distracted by man meat. You’ll understand when you see Colt for yourself.” She pulls out her notepad as Mr. Brescia starts to talk. I do the same, not wanting to miss anything. His lesson only lasts a few minutes before he sends us right into doing lab work.
“What are you up to this weekend?” she asks as I start to set up the beakers.
“No plans. I did download a few books, so I suppose I’ll read those.” That might sound boring to most, but having the luxury to lie around and read for a day was not one I’ve ever had before.
“You should come with me to this party tonight. I wasn't going to go, but Colt talked me into it.”
“Would he get mad if you bring an extra guest?”
“Guest?” She laughs. “Tommy wants as many girls as possible at his parties. I’m surprised one of the boys around here hasn't hooked on to you and invited you anyways.”
I duck my head, shaking it no. A few have started to talk to me, but I get flustered and quickly disengage myself. They likely think I’m crazy.
“Come on. You’d be doing me a huge favor. Plus, you’ll get to meet some more people. I can introduce you to the good people and tell you who to stay away from.”
I can hear Grams' voice in my head encouraging me to go and make new friends. Every day when I got home this week she asked if I made any friends. I think she was a little discouraged that I hadn’t. I couldn’t blame her; I too thought it would be easier.
“Okay,” I agree. Tricia gives me a bright smile. I glance up when I hear the door open and close. I watch as a tall boy comes strolling in. He hands the teacher a note before finding a desk. He pauses before he glances down at me and then Tricia.
“Don’t even think about it, Ethan.” Tricia points her pen at him.
“What? I can’t say hi?” He smirks, making a dimple pop in his cheek.
“Hi,” she says back dryly. He shakes his head at her and keeps walking. He drops down at the empty table right behind ours. I peek back at him, and he winks at me. I jerk my head forward. I can feel the heat rush to my cheeks at his gesture.
“Ethan. She’s new and all sweet. Paws off.”
“Paws?” I ask.
“Paws, hands, he wants in your pants.”
“I resent that. I’m a gentleman,” the handsome boy chimes in.
“I don’t have pants on,” I say, confused. Neither of them hear me.
“Gentleman. Sure. Why don’t you tell us about these strippers?”
“Nothing wrong with a stripper. Women out there making an honest living.” I snort a laugh. I found out about strippers and hookers after watching some late-night show on HBO.
“You can fight for her tonight with the rest of the guys when they spot the cute new girl.”
“You’re coming to the party?” He focuses his attention on me. I nod my head. “There is going to be a lot of new girls tonight. Colt had Tommy get some girls from over at South View.”
“Now I know you’re full of shit.”
“I swear!”
“Then all of you are nuts. You drink the water over at South View and you can get pregnant.” I want to tell her that’s impossible, but it must be one of the sayings I don’t quite get. Then it dawns on me. There must be a lot of pregnant girls over there. Honestly being my age and pregnant wasn't uncommon in my old life. I would have even called it normal at one point. Not so much anymore.
“Wrap your tool, don't be a tool.”
“You’re gross.” She turns to give him her back.
I do the same and get back to work getting our labs done. Ethan plays on his phone, not doing anything else.
“You want me to pick you up? I know you don’t drive.”
“Yes. That would be nice, but if it's too much trouble I can ask my Grams to drop me off.”
“I got you.” She pulls out her phone while I put some of the supplies away. “Give me your number.” I rattle off the number Grams told me to memorize.
“Can I use that number too?” Ethan asks.
“Sure, but I know your ass didn’t catch those numbers fast enough to remember them.”
“That so?” My phone starts to buzz in the front pocket of my backpack.
“Thanks. Now I can easily block it on her phone.” I watch the two of them go back and forth. A few times their comments make me laugh. It lasts until the bell rings.
“See you ladies tonight.” Ethanhops up and is the first one out of the class.
“I texted you, so you should have my number. I just need your address so hit me with it when you get a chance,” Tricia says as we exit the classroom.