Page 59 of Heartbreak Summer (Second Chance Romance)
"No, Valerie. I am here to tell you I am proud of you. I am happy for you, because you learned how to live again. There's no use in sitting back while life passes you by. You need to be happy, for me, and for Cassidy, and for your son, Dom."
My mother dabs her eyes with a handkerchief as her new husband kisses her gently. I look at Cassidy next, knowing the next part is just as important.
"And Cassidy," he continues as she blinks back heavy tears. "Please know…" His eyes are filled with tears as he looks into the camera, like he's here speaking to his daughter himself.
"Please know that I'll always love you. Even when I can't hold your hand anymore, I'll always be your dad."
The clip fizzes out to nothing, the image disappearing from the screen. Everyone is quiet for a long second, my heart beating wildly.
Then a clap erupts, cheering and happy smiles. Just like Tony would have wanted.
I get patted on the back, thanked, and kissed by my affectionate mother. As she looks at me, I know there's still a chance for us to rebuild our relationship, and that makes me grateful to Tony.
But my mind is preoccupied with a certain redhead, and as soon as they let me go, I look at her place at the table to find it empty.
I scan the room for her.
But Cassidy Lynn is gone.
Chapter twenty
I run out of there, unable to take any more. As soon as I see my father's face on that projection screen, all the memories start rushing back and it just hurts too much to handle. I use the moment when everyone claps Dom on the back to rush out of the stuffy, crowded room.
I walk aimlessly along the shore, my heart pounding, the tears not quite falling. I hate them for that, knowing they would relieve the tension. But it seems like I'm frozen in this strange state.
My legs carry me over to the beach, which is deserted. It's misty again, with plenty of silver-lined gray clouds. So ironic.
"Cassidy!" a voice calls out to me. I'd recognize the sound of Dom calling my name anytime, anywhere, but I don't want to turn around. Don't want to give him another chance to hurt me as badly as he did before. I keep on walking.
I hear his footsteps after me, trying to catch up and try to quicken my pace even though I know he'll catch up eventually. And so he does, grabbing my elbow, his breathing heavy.
"Where are you going, darlin’?" he asks, the concern plain to hear in his pained voice.
"Away," I answer him shortly, the words more of a murmur than anything else.
"Away from what?" he insists, and I rip my elbow from his touch, turning towards him with angry eyes that could turn him to stone had they the power to do so.
"From you, from Valerie, from my dad," I say, my voice shaking with the heavy words, knowing I'm about to hurt him. "Can't you see, Dom? I'm too weak. I can't handle all this. I can't take any more pain, because I'm already in pieces."
He steps in front of me, his body imposing and huge against my small frame. "No, I can't see," he growls, tipping my chin upwards like he's done so many times before. "You know what I do see?"
I just stare at him as he goes on, my heart beating wildly in my chest.
"I see a little girl who's still afraid. A girl who's been running all her life. Your dad's gone, Cassidy, and that's never going to change," he says harshly, the words rough and painful. I want to spit in his face, but I’m so helpless, all I can do is swallow back a reply and stare at him through tear-filled eyes.
"But other things could change," Dom continues more gently. "You've been running from me, darlin', and I'm the one who can make this better. It's been four years, four goddamned long years, and I'm not going to waste any more time."
"I broke up with Adrian," I blurt out and Dom's eyes widen in shock at my admission. Before he can say a thing, I start talking again, admitting the truth I've been holding back from yesterday.
"He's been cheating on me… ever since you came to the house. With your cousin, no less," I snort, giving Dom an evil glare like all of this is his fault.
"Brielle?" he asks incredulously, and I give a solemn nod. To my surprise, Dom dissolves in laughter as I glare at him.
"What the fuck? Is that funny to you, jackass?" I demand. "You're such a prick, Dom!"
"It's not that," he shakes his head, still laughing. "But I can't believe he tried to replace you with goddamned Bri." He looks at me seriously now and I gulp loudly, waiting for his next words.