Page 19 of Kept Bride (The Secret Bride 2)
We need to breathe.
We need to be free.
We need to have a moment where we aren’t trapped in the house just like we were trapped in Hallelujah Junction.
As we walk to the front door, I can hear my mother mumbling under her breath, but it’s quickly replaced by the roar of the reporters and photographers as we bolt toward the awaiting car.
Once we are safe and driving off, Ember speaks for the first time. “Are you sure we’ll be safe?”
“I’m sure.” I pat her leg reassuringly and add, “Besides, you can’t wear my mother’s clothing and her ridiculous heels for long. And I need new stuff as well. It’s time we get our lives started.”
“I’ve never been shopping before,” she says as she stares out the window at all the scenery passing by.
I can’t imagine what it all must be like for her. To see such tall buildings and bright lights. Everything is new for her. Unknown. To do something as simple as shopping for the first time at twenty-five years of age… it’s still unbelievable to me.
Every time I find myself about to completely lose my shit—which is often since arriving home—I pause and remind myself that no matter how bad I have it, Ember has it worse. When I want to punch my fist through a wall, or scream out in frustration, or tell everyone around me to go fuck themselves… I look at Ember. Just like in the schoolhouse of a rundown ghost town, she is still my beacon of light. She is still what keeps me sane. She is still my grounding force in all this madness. The least I can do is try to keep my cool and return the favor by at least appearing strong for her.
“My friend Christina has an excellent clothing store. We’ll be able to get whatever you want there, and she’s anxious to meet you. She said she’s already pulling out items she thinks you’ll love.”
I have to hand it to the driver; he somehow manages to quickly take side streets and loses all the media. I know it’s only momentary until they somehow track us down, as they have a scent for a good story like a hound dog for a hunt, but for right now, we have peace. Ember and I are both able to walk into the back door of Christina’s without anyone there snapping a picture or asking a million questions. I’m happy to see my friend covered the front glass windows so no one will be able to see us from the front.
“You were able to lose them,” she says with a smile as she ushers us in the door.
“Not sure for how long,” I reply.
She gives me a long, hard hug, then pulls away to make eye contact that tells me all I need to know. She’s happy I’m alive and well. She doesn’t say anything, which I’m happy for. I need a break, and oddly… Christina seems to know it.
When we make our way to the main part of the store, she gives the warmest smile to Ember and extends her hand. “You must be Ember. I’m Christina. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
Ember reaches out and shakes her hand, and I’m happy to see her return the smile right back. I haven’t seen Ember really smile since the escape—at least not a genuine one.
“It’s really nice of you to open your store for us,” she says as she glances around at the rows and rows of clothing that flank the walls.
“Christopher is an old and dear friend. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for him.” She turns to me and says, “Michael is also shutting his restaurant down an hour early tonight so we can go have dinner without curious eyes.”
“You don’t have to do that,” I say, shaking my head. “You’ve already done enough for us by allowing us to shop in privacy.”
Christina waves her hand and rolls her eyes. “It’s done. Don’t even try to argue. You’re both having dinner with us, and that’s it. Michael would kill me if I didn’t make it happen. Once we max out your credit card, the least I can do is have my husband cook you both a great meal.” She winks at me before looking Ember over from head to toe. “I think I have some great options for you that are going to fit absolutely perfect.” She places her arm around Ember’s shoulders and leads her to a rack of dresses. “Let’s go break Christopher’s bank.”
Ember glances over her shoulder at me for reassurance that all is fine, but her smile is still present and even brighter than before. I nod and then turn to the side of the store that carries the men’s clothing. “You ladies do all the damage you want. Ember has an empty closet that needs to be filled.”