Page 46 of Steph's Outcast
I am relieved she understands. Steff is perceptive. I lean close, pitching my voice low so only she can hear me. "Everyone is very…loud."
Steff nods, and as one female crosses the room to pick up a kit from her red-skinned mate's arms, my mate speaks up. "What are the sleeping arrangements for tonight?" She gestures at Pak, who is passed out in my arms.
A yellow-maned female with a kit in her arms—the mother of the other young females, I think—moves toward Steff. "There are some makeshift beds in Mardok's project cave. All the parents are bedding down in there, and you guys are more than welcome to grab a few beds. You can take ours, if you like." She takes the hand of one of the young female kits, who is yawning. "I'm going to settle the girls and then come back. I don't think Raahosh will be sleeping tonight. Neither will I. There's too much to get done."
Steff smiles at her. "Thank you, Liz. That sounds great." She looks at me. "Okay with you?"
Beds with the other kits nearby. It will work until I can make Steff a home. I think of the little huts I saw that used to dot the beach. They looked easy enough to make. I bet I could create one for her once the creatures are gone. And Pak would love to have a permanent home.
A home with my mate and my son. The thought fills me with a strange warmth.
The yellow-maned female—Liz—hands her baby off to an ugly, scarred male and gives him a mouth-caress, similar to the one Steff gave me. It must be her mate. She takes Pak from my arms and gestures at Steff, indicating I should carry my mate. Steff wants to walk, but I do not let her, and we cross out of the cave and into the night.
Immediately the air feels cooler against my skin. The creatures are making low sounds, buried in the sands, but they do not look as if they are leaving anytime soon. Steff holds onto me as we keep to the cliffs, avoiding the deeper sands where the creatures are buried. The little females hurry behind their mother, and even though I know the shell-beasts will not attack, I am still relieved when we are safely in the new cave.
The healer and her mate are there with their kit, curled up together in furs. There are other beds, but Liz escorts us to the back. She settles her daughters into the furs, tucking Pak in next to them. Then she takes a pile of the blankets and gives them to us. I set Steff down and she settles onto the floor, mindful of her ankle, and Liz (another Outcast name, I notice) helps her make a bed. Once Steff is comfortable, Liz pats my arm. "Welcome to the tribe, Juth. Sorry it's such a shitshow at the moment."
"Shit…sho?" I echo, confused.
"I'll tell you some other time," Steff whispers. "Thanks, Liz."
"See you in the morning," she whispers, and then ducks back out of the cave again.
I look over at Pak, but he has his thumb in his mouth and the toy clutched in his other hand, fast asleep. He has not even noticed I am not next to him, and I am stung. Does he forget his father so easily?
But then Steff indicates I should lie down next to her and I am suddenly glad he is in the other furs. Liz is wise. I pull my belt off and set it down next to the bedding, then slide under the furs, joining my mate. My bare legs brush against hers, and I am reminded of touching her last night. I want to touch her again, right now. I—
"Steph?" a voice calls out.
One of the little girls mumbles, turning over in her sleep, and my mate freezes, her eyes wide. She sits up, and in the darkness, her face is lit by the glow of her khui-blue eyes. Her cheeks look flushed and she looks…uncomfortable. "Flor?" she calls in a low voice. "Is that you?"
A female emerges from the shadows, moving over next to the bed. She drops down next to Steff, clasping her hand, and glances over at me. I do not recognize her or her scent. She has a dark mane and skin the color of soft leather, and a bright smile. She squeezes Steff's hand. "I had to come see you before we go. We haven't had a chance to talk."
"Oh." Steff glances over at me again, and there is something odd in her manner. "This might not be a good time—"
The other female—Flor—puts a hand over her mouth, giggling. "Did I interrupt something? Are y'all about to get nasty?"
"The kids are trying to sleep," Steff protests.
"Right. Sure." Flor waves a hand, dismissing that. "I just…had to make sure you were okay." Her gaze darts to me and then back to Steff. "Did you guys resonate? You're mated now?"