Page 16 of Steph's Outcast
She does not understand my warning. Frustrated, I take a deep breath, trying to think of a gesture that will indicate that she must leave. But she only touches my chest again, and her scent is in my nose and…
I cannot leave. Not if she stays and puts herself in danger.
"These things are so gross," Penny complains, lifting one foot and grimacing at the slick grease on the sole of her boot. "Seriously, they're everywhere."
"Maybe they're this planet's version of sand fleas?" Willa offers, leaning back against Gren. She looks tired, perched between her mate's thighs on a rock as he acts as a chair for her. Her hands are on her belly, and so are Gren's. They look cute and cuddly, and I'm absolutely envious of them and how settled they seem together. They never come to my therapy suggestions, no matter how often I bring it up, just because they're perfectly in sync with each other already. Some people are like that, which is nice. Vordis and Angie are another pair that seem consistently on the same page. It makes me happy for them, even if I am curious about the inner workings of their minds.
The biggest secret of therapists, I suppose, is that we're nosy…though I'm not sure it's a secret.
"What does Devi say?" Hannah asks, getting a bowl of stew. "She's the expert on the wildlife, right?" She picks her way across the slick sand and sits down next to Lauren. Both of their mates have gone out hunting, since the fishing has dried up recently.
Lauren shakes her head, grimacing. "Something about migratory patterns and excreting and chemical reactions. It was before breakfast so I tuned out, because it was making my stomach lurch. But she says they're why the sand feels warmer lately, and why the fish are gone. They don't like the temperature change."
Well, that explains that. I think about Pak and Juth. Did they seem thinner the last time I saw them? I remember how quickly Pak snatched up the dried fish and ate it, and Juth's stomach growling, and I start to fret. "How are we on food?" I ask, trying to be oh-so-casual about it. "Are we low?"
Hannah snorts. "We are the opposite of low. Everyone got so bored of staying home over the brutal season that we're swimming in dried fish. I swear we have an entire hut that's nothing but fish. Smoked fish. Dried fish. Fish jerky. Fish strips."
"Fish heads," Willa chimes in. "Fish eyes."
"Please, guys." Lauren holds her stomach. "I'm trying to keep my breakfast down."
I purse my lips and then decide to plunge ahead with my request. "Do you think anyone would mind if I brought a big chunk of dried fish to Pak and Juth? I think they're hungry, but I don't want to take away from the tribe."
Everyone's attention turns to me. Willa sits up straighter, a sad look of sympathy on her face. "Of course you can. The food is for everyone in the tribe. Just because they don't sit with us doesn't mean they're not part of our family."
Her gentle, understanding words make my eyes prick with tears of relief.
"Well, I'm in charge of supplies and I say they are more than welcome to some of them," Hannah agrees, all bossiness. "You want me to help you prepare a basket for them? We can fix them up right away and no one needs to be hungry."
Lauren studies me. "I thought they were refusing your gifts?"
"They were, for a while," I agree. "But lately they've been taking all the food, and…" I shrug. As much as I love gossiping as much as anyone, I also want to respect Pak and Juth's privacy. "I think it would be appreciated by them, and Pak is small and can't be much help hunting wise. I also don't think they go into the mountains to hunt like our tribe does. I've never seen Juth with shoes on."
"Shall I hunt with them?" Gren asks, voice low and gravelly.
I smile at him. He's absolutely terrifying to look at, but he's been opening up ever since he mated to Willa. She's his most ardent champion, and they tend to stick to each other's side. Something tells me he doesn't want to leave her, especially not with her so pregnant, but it's nice of him to offer. "I think maybe if we just give them some of our supplies it'll set them on their feet."
Hannah sets aside her food bowl and gets to her feet. She wobbles slightly on the slick sand and then gives me a triumphant look when she manages to stay on balance. "Come on. Let's go talk to Raahosh and see if he's fine with it. I bet he is. Aayla's about Pak's size, and I doubt he'd want her to go hungry."