Page 19 of All the Lies (Mindf*ck 4)
“And we’re in the sheriff’s hospital,” Lana says quietly.
“I’ve checked everything they’ve done before they’ve done it, just to make sure no nurse or doctor tries to do anything really fucking stupid,” Hadley says with a twisted smirk.
My head hurts.
A lot.
Lana pulls back, wiping her eyes quickly before I can see if there’s a tear there. She didn’t even cry the day after her attack by the Boogeyman.
She clears her throat as Leonard walks back in, and his eyes zero in on her face that is definitely blotchy with tears. I need out of here and time alone with her.
I stand, still feeling a little unsteady. Lana and Donny crash to my side, and they help keep me upright as Leonard walks out and comes back in with a wheelchair.
“Just until you get to the car,” Leonard says with a smile when I glare at him.
Not feeling quite up to arguing or leaning on my girlfriend all the way down, I reluctantly accept the chair. Leonard wheels me to the elevator. As soon as we emerge into the lobby, a SUV pulls up with Hadley behind the wheel.
I’m so loopy, that I don’t know how long it took her to get here or how she got by us.
We ride in relative silence back to the cabins, and Leonard deals with the calls from the hospital about us leaving too soon. No one argued leaving, considering it might have just been a matter of time before they took me out and made it look like an accident.
“Two per cabin. Take shifts staying awake,” Donny says, taking charge while I’m in and out of it, as we arrive at the cabin and start unloading from the SUV.
“I’ll stay with Lana and Logan,” Leonard inserts.
“I’ll stay with them,” Hadley argues.
Leonard points his finger at Hadley. “You stay with Elise. I’ll stay with them. Logan, sober, wouldn’t want you risking yourself, and as you pointed out, he’s the primary target.”
She starts to argue, but I cut her off. “Go with Elise,” I tell her.
She claps her lips shut, then looks to Lana. Something silent passes between them, and Hadley walks away, glaring at Leonard on her way by.
Leonard helps me inside, and Lana tries to help him. I force most of my weight onto Leonard.
“If he gets sick or starts talking funny, come find me immediately,” Leonard tells Lana as they put me to bed like a fucking baby.
“I will,” she says softly, her eyes distant as she runs her hand over my cheek.
“I’ll stay up until sunrise, then I’ll get some sleep. You stay in here with him, and yell if you need help.” He points at the windows in the room. “Two entry points from outside. Pay attention to them in case they get too bold. Don’t be afraid to use Logan’s gun.”
He puts my gun down on the nightstand, and Lana studies it.
She nods absently, her hand still on me, as though she needs reassurance I haven’t disappeared.
“Keep me updated if any new information comes to light,” I tell Leonard before he walks out.
Lana curls up against me, putting her arm around my waist. Leonard’s eyes drop to her as she slides her leg around me too. I have no idea why he finds her so fascinating tonight.
“I will. Tomorrow, anyway. Not tonight. Your head needs some rest.”
As soon as he shuts the door, Lana exhales heavily, and I pounce.
“I’m sorry you had to get entangled in all this again. I want you to go somewhere safe,” I tell her, kissing the top of her head as she snuggles in even closer.
“No,” she states simply. “I’m not leaving you.”
“You have to. If you—”