Page 46 of Sidetracked (Mindf*ck 2)
Finally, she breaks the stare down and walks away, never saying a word. I return my attention to the ‘roast’ that’s going on. It’s actually pretty damn funny.
Besides, no one expects a laughing girl in the breakroom to have recently tortured a guy and dug up dark secrets no one even knew existed.
After some more time passes, I feel eyes on me again, and I jerk my head to the doorway to see Logan watching me with a small smile on his lips.
“What?” I ask, relieved he’s smiling.
“You. You’re just so…I guess you’re sick of hearing perfect. But it’s true.”
I slowly stand, smiling at him. I’m damn glad I’m not a suspect. I worried Lindy wouldn’t have the backbone she needed for this, but she must have proven herself.
Laurel has a home.
I’m sure of it.
“You okay? You’ve been gone a while.”
His smile slips. “Sorry about that. Had a lot to do. The only good thing besides seeing you right now, is that a traumatized homeless kid has a safe place to live.”
I breathe out silently, feeling a calm wash over me. He didn’t fail me. I knew he was perfect for this.
“Are you ready to go now?” I ask, moving toward him.
He grabs me at the waist, pulling me flush against his body, and he bends as I get up on my toes, meeting him as far as I can as his lips find mine.
“No,” he says, a sigh following as his lips stay on mine. “I have to stay.”
He pulls back reluctantly, regret shading his eyes. “I’ll give you my keys. You go home. This could take a while.”
Shit. They’ve definitely linked this kill to me—well, the me they can’t name, rather. I knew they would.
Now I have to let him do his job, trying to find me.
I see Lindy and Laurel walk by, Craig escorting them out. Laurel waves at me again, and I wink at her, while Logan is distracted with running his lips over my forehead.
Craig fortunately doesn’t notice the wave goodbye either.
“I had to run a background check on a woman tonight just to make sure a killer chose wisely,” the guy who was at my house says as he walks into the breakroom, not noticing me on his way by. “This day is so fucked up.”
They know I chose her. But apparently she never talked.
Good girl, Lindy. Thank you.
“Donny, you remember my girlfriend, right?” Logan asks, and my heart does little cartwheels for reasons unbeknownst to me.
I’m his girlfriend.
I have a boyfriend.
This isn’t news, but it’s still making me gush like a thirteen-year-old who is hovering over the phone.
I don’t even think about the fact he’s the guy trying to catch the killer I moonlight as.
Donny whirls around, surprised to see me.
“Sorry,” he says, then nods in acknowledgment as he pours a cup of coffee. “I didn’t even see you.”