Page 10 of Without Remorse
Sloane pulled her arm back and frowned up at the stranger. She blinked a little. It was so bizarre to have someone else in her space. Much less to have said stranger telling her how to deal with her own roommate.
“Ramona won’t hurt me.”
He arched an eyebrow. “She’s an animal. She’s running on instinct right now.”
“But she might be hurt!”
Sloane could tell by the look on his face he was exasperated but he didn’t understand. Ramona was all she had. And if he hadn’t come along when he had? What kind of person couldn’t get over themselves long enough to leave their house to help out their best friend when they were hurt and in pain?
The really shitty kind, that’s who.
Sloane breathed out shakily. Still. Maybe he was right. The only time Ramona had been outside the house was when Aunt Trish took her to the vet, and that had been years ago. Giving her a little while to calm down would be probably okay. Sloane put her hand to her own chest. She could do with some calming down too. And maybe a stiff drink.
She looked up at the stranger who was still watching her with a concerned look. Which was when she realized that she probably looked as crazy as she actually was, laid out here on the floor in her den in nothing but a silk kimono, so concerned about her cat she hadn’t even made introductions.
She swore to herself as she tried to get up with as much dignity as possible considering her outfit and actions. She tugged down the hem of her robe as she smiled sheepishly and held out a hand.
“Hi, I’m Sloane. Sorry. I really do appreciate you bringing her back in. You really don’t know how much it means to me. You’re a life-saver.”
He smiled and Sloane was taken aback by how charming his gruff face suddenly turned when he did. Here, in the full light of her den, she was shocked by how handsome he actually was.
“No problem,” he said. “I couldn’t just keep jogging by when I figured I might be able to help. I’m glad I could. I’m Nicholas, by the way.”
“Hi Nicholas.” Sloane smiled as he came forward and shook her proffered hand. His hand was somehow warm. Or maybe Sloane’s were just extra cold from clutching the icy doorframe. She let go and then blinked, trying to remember how actual humans interacted when in person.
Come on, Sloane. You spend all day talking to guys. What’s wrong with you?
“Can I get you something to drink? Coffee or water? Or sorry, do you just want to get back to your run? I’m so sorry about all this.” She waved vaguely in the direction of Ramona. “I’m sure this isn’t exactly what you had in mind when you went out for cardio tonight.”
His eyebrows went up a little like he was surprised at her invitation but he recovered quickly. “It’s no big deal, really. And uh, sure. I’ll take some coffee if it’s not a bother.”
His hazel eyes were so bright, they almost stole her breath for a moment. In the bright light of the kitchen, he looked even more massive than when he’d first stepped into her yard. It had shocked her, seeing such a huge guy right there, in person. But as soon as she saw him carrying Ramona across the yard, all she could feel was gratitude. Then she got a look at his face and holy Jesus but he was hot.
He had a strong jaw but it was those lively, expressive eyes that stopped Sloane short.
He held out his hand, gesturing for her to go ahead. His smile was gorgeous. It made her heart do this weird skip-jump thing.
Which made her cheeks heat up. Because what. The. Fuck?
Her life was in tatters and here she was, getting tongue tied around a guy? She spent all day, every day talking to guys about their deepest secrets and fantasies. So what if this guy was here in person? Was it really that different?
Judging by the heat that continued flaming her cheeks, she’d say yes. Yes, it was very different.
“Nope, no bother,” she finally managed to choke out.
He flashed that easy, gorgeous smile again. “Great.”
She felt all her lady parts melt a little. God, was it just because of the orgasm denial earlier? Had she really gotten that worked up? And again, how was she getting distracted by a guy right now. If she couldn’t be with Ramona, then she should be on the phone to the credit agencies trying to cancel every card opened in her name and get her shit sorted.
She headed into the kitchen and he followed.
Or… she could ignore that crapstorm and let herself be distracted by the man candy currently in her kitchen. In her kitchen. It bore repeating. No one had been in her kitchen in years, not since her great aunt.