Page 98 of Dark Need (House of Sin 3)
What is it that she makes me feel that is so irresistible to me? That makes me feel like I could move mountains just to be with her?
“Thank you,” she whispers, and I close my eyes to listen to her sweet voice. “For giving me a taste of freedom. And I’m sorry it took me so long to find you.” Her eyes fill with tears. “Please … let me do this. Come with me.”
Suddenly, she pulls something out of her bag. Bolt cutters.
Before I can say anything, she cuts through the chains around my wrists one by one. My strength does the rest as I release myself from the bonds, groaning with pain. How could I not when she pleads with me like that? I’ve never wanted to make anyone happy, but for her … for her, I will break any rules.
I wrap my arms around her and hold her tight, taking in a whiff of her delicious scent to memorize it and keep it close in my heart.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers, sniffing. “I didn’t mean it when I said I hated you.”
I lean back and grab her chin, tilting it to meet my gaze. “Don’t apologize. Ever.”
And I smash my lips on hers, covering her mouth with mine to silence the doubt swirling through her eyes. Those words cut me like a knife, but she came all the way here to find me, and that means more than any words ever could.
Suddenly, the door smashes open, breaking the spell.
Her eyes immediately flick away from me and toward the door where two guards just stepped in, their gazes settling on her.
Panic flutters to the forefront of her eyes as she gets up, her legs quaking as they approach quickly. I roar out loud, ready to defend her at all cost.
“RUN!” I yell at her.
The guards rush at her the second they realize she isn’t from here, and she bolts off right past one of them. I try to intervene, but my feet are still chained to the ground.
One guard runs to me, but his eyes aren’t on me.
They’re on the bolt cutters.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!
I jump to it, but not in time, as he kicks them away.
I lunge at him, but he jumps back, laughing … while his buddy chases April to the door and grabs her before she escapes. The squeal that follows tears a hole into my heart.
“No! Please!” she begs, and it makes me want to lash out.
But what the fuck can I do tied to the ground, with that guard right out of my reach?
I push myself to the limit, forcing my legs to extend as far as they possibly can while tied up, but the guard is still an inch out of my grasp. And he just stands there with his knife in his hands, grinning at me.
“Let her go,” I growl, wishing I could carve him a new smile.
The guard in front of me glances at his buddy, who sits on top of April and ties her wrists to her back. Then he turns his head to me, narrowing his eyes while speaking in our native tongue. “Take her. I’ll deal with this one.”
My feet drag behind me as I struggle against the weight of my attacker, but he is far stronger than I am as he pulls me out the door.
“No! Soren!” I yelp.
“I’ll come for you!” he yells back, but as the door closes, the last thing I see is the other guard brutally beating his face in.
I look away, tears streaming down my face as I’m dragged farther away from the barracks. Terror floods my body as I look up at the man dragging me with him across the ground like a rag doll. I don’t know where he’s taking me or what’s going to happen. But I will not let them hurt me without putting up a fight.
“Where are you taking me?” I ask, but he doesn’t reply.
The fire brightens the sky as we pass the partying people and head straight into the village. Some people stop dancing and look at me with fear and disgust in their eyes. Some even gather their children and make them look away. It’s as if I’m the scary monster trying to eat their kids. But I’m not a monster. All I wanted to do was free Soren from his restraints and get us out of there, in whatever way. Is that such a crime?
I’m dragged up a hill to a hut. The tarp is pushed away, and I’m thrown inside, along with my bag. The guard throws me a foul glance before leaving, but I can still see his feet steady on the ground outside, which means he’s staying there to make sure I don’t run.
Suddenly, I hear the jingles of an armband. I tilt my head up toward the sound. A wrinkly old lady is looking down at me, her whole face covered in tattoos.