Page 22 of The Biker's Dirty Little Secret (Straight to Hell MC 2)
“Kind of hard to miss.”
She groaned. “No. You can’t say stuff like that. It’s not very nice.”
“What? I can’t say that I love seeing you cuddling with my pillow and it made me hot as hell?” he asked.
Heat filled her cheeks. Did he really mean that or was he just saying it to be nice?
Silence fell between them. She didn’t know what to say or do.
“I got us food. I hope you love Chinese food.”
“I do.” She gave him a smile, hoping he knew she appreciated him not making her feel any more embarrassed than she usually felt. “I’m starving.”
“And I’m here to feed you.” He gave her a wink, removed his leather cut, and took a seat on the bed. “Have what you want.”
He opened a carton, and she watched him grab an egg roll out, taking a large bite out of it. “So good.”
Her mouth watered, and she chose a spring roll. “You got so much food.”
“I had no idea what you liked.”
She giggled. “Look at me, I like most foods.”
“Don’t do that anymore. I don’t like it.”
“Do what?”
“You know what you were doing. Stop putting your weight down. I don’t like it. All of it.”
She picked up another carton and some chopsticks. The scent of fragrant noodles was intoxicating. “I’m just … I guess I’m used to it. It’s easier to make fun of yourself when everyone else seems to do it.”
“Don’t get used to it. It doesn’t suit you.”
She nibbled on her lip. After men like Jeff in her life, and pretty much most men she’d met, she wasn’t used to any of them complimenting her. Liking her the way she was without insisting she needed to lose weight to look pretty.
Brick ate his food, and she liked watching him dig in without a care in the world. She slurped up her noodles, and he opened up another carton, presenting her with a piece of fried tofu. He’d dipped it into a spicy sweet and sour sauce. “You’ve got to try this.”
She took a bite, eyes closed, and hummed her appreciation. “So good.”
“Yeah, you’ve got that right.”
They finished most of the food, and Brick took the remainder down to the kitchen. He came back with a glass of water for her to take her pain pills.
“How about I take a shower and then we sit and watch a movie?”
“If you’d like to?”
“Yes,” he said.
She watched him tug his shirt off over his head, presenting her with his heavily inked back. Callie held her breath as a wave of desire swirled through her body. He disappeared into the bathroom.
Nerves hit her hard.
Alone with Brick in his room, watching a movie. Could she do this?
She already wore a pair of pajamas, and she quickly scrambled beneath the covers. The sound of the water running and the occasional grunt drew her attention. At first, she tried to ignore the sounds, but they kept on coming.
She pushed off the blanket and stepped away from the bed. With one foot in front of the other, she moved closer toward the door, praying the floor didn’t creak. The sounds grew louder.
The door was open wide enough for her to look through without making a sound.
I shouldn’t be doing this.
This is his private room.
Go back to bed.
Don’t be rude.
She glanced around the door, and at first, she couldn’t make out what was going on. Slowly, she saw. The curtain didn’t hide much, and it was clear exactly what he was doing.
His fist was wrapped around his cock, working up and down the length. The heavy sounds of his grunts filled the air, and she quickly pulled back from the door.
Why was he masturbating?
Was he thinking about her?
Other people?
There were plenty of willing and available women for him to claim around here.
Jealousy struck her hard, and she went back to the bed.
Seconds passed, even minutes.
She kept on waiting, and finally, after what felt like a lifetime, he came out. He had a towel wrapped around his waist. There was more ink on his chest and abdomen. She even caught sight of some on his legs. It surprised her how much it aroused her.
“You know, you don’t have to be embarrassed.”
“I was thinking of you,” he said.
“Oh, you saw me?” Callie wanted to die right there.
“Babe, I’ve lived my life while constantly watching my back. Believe me, I notice everything.”
Her cheeks felt like they were on fire. “I … I didn’t mean to spy.”
“I’ve got no problem with you watching me. I would’ve liked you to come in and join me.”
“Brick, I’m not like that,” she said.
“Like what?”
She didn’t want him to think she was like the women at the club, ready to do anything a man wanted. Her nerves picked up. What if he really thought of her that way?
“I’m not used to … men … you know.”