Page 13 of The Biker's Dirty Little Secret (Straight to Hell MC 2)
The sounds of masculine groans came from the bedroom at the end of the hall. The door was partially open, and he saw Sean on his bed, a blonde between his thighs, sucking his cock. He had a hold of her hair in a death grip, forcing her to gag on his length.
“That’s it, whore, take it deep. Sucking my dick takes a couple of dollars off your interest. Swallowing, well, that just gets you a few extra days.”
Sean slammed his cock deep, and Brick knew the son of a bitch would make Callie do the same thing at some point. This was a power trip for him. Hurting women.
Brick had seen and heard enough. He kicked the door open, drawing his weapon as he looked at Sean. Brick wasn’t some civilian off the street. He was VP of the Straight to Hell MC. Nobody wanted a visit from him.
The bastard groaned and shoved away the woman, who scrambled out of the room, running as fast as she could.
“You just interrupted a perfectly good blowjob,” Sean said. He shook his head. “You can put that gun away.”
“I like to hold it.”
“Makes you feel powerful?” Sean asked. He reached for a pack of smokes. “You want one?”
“You know why I’m here.”
“I’ve got no clue why a Straight to Hell MC is standing in my bedroom being a cock block. You just cost that woman some interest and a bit more time.”
“This isn’t a game,” Brick said.
Sean laughed. “Wanna bet?”
Brick fired the gun, shooting the bed right between Sean’s spread thighs.
“Another inch and that would be your dick. Lucky for you, I’m a good shot. Or am I?”
He saw the quiver in Sean’s hand. The bastard wasn’t half as calm as he claimed to be. “Callie. I want her debt removed immediately.”
“That fat bitch owes me big, and I have a means to collect. Not happening. I’ve got no beef with you. Leave, and I’ll call this even.”
Brick smiled and tucked his gun away, but he didn’t leave. He advanced toward the bed, grabbing Sean by the back of his head and slamming his palm down on his nose. The sound of bones crushing filled the air, as did Sean’s screams.
He was so fucking pissed. He pulled Sean from the bed and shoved him against the mirror. The glass broke from the impact.
He was surprised when Sean started to hit back, even with blood pissing from his nose. Brick blocked each hit and punched him in the face, getting him in the eye.
Each blow took Sean to the floor until he was in a heap, moaning and groaning.
Brick took his knife out and grabbed Sean’s dick, which was now limp between his thighs.
“You’re going to wipe Callie’s slate clean, aren’t you?”
“No, man, please don’t.”
His blade was fresh and sharp. He held the edge against the fucker’s dick and waited for him to answer.
“Then answer me, or you’re going to be living your life dickless. You won’t be able to scare pussy with a fucking stump.”
He was more than happy to take the guy’s dick. It wasn’t like he deserved it with the pain he’d caused. The more he thought about it, he’d be doing the rest of the world a favor.
“Yes, Callie’s slate is wiped clean. No more loan. No nothing. I promise. She’s small potatoes, anyway.”
Brick was a little disappointed. Why couldn’t the prick fight him a little more?
He removed his knife and wiped it on a clean towel. “Good answer. Pleasure doing business with you, Sean.”
He whistled as he entered the bathroom, washing his hands before stepping back into the bedroom.
Sean tried to scramble away as fast as he could. Brick grinned.
He left the house without another word and found the whore at the gate, shaking. With the key in hand, he slid it into the lock. The woman turned to him with a watery smile, thanking him.
He never answered, just climbed on his bike, taking one last look at the house. Callie deserved a nice place.
He had a sudden image of her pregnant with his child.
Never in all the years he’d been with the Straight to Hell MC, no, scrap that, in all the years he’d been a fucking adult, had he ever once thought of having a child.
Callie … what was it about this woman that made him forget his own personal vows to never bring a child into this world?
No woman had ever made him cave.
Callie was like no woman he’d ever met. She alone made him want everything. Rather than be angry, he smiled.
Today was a very good day.
The Skull Nation were coming around more and more. She spent a lot of time with her head down and was frequently sent off for breaks. Today, she had a nice little bump on her head for keeping to herself, walking into one of the steel posts that kept the main structure of the building up. Her head hurt, but she’d live.