Page 10 of The Biker's Dirty Little Secret (Straight to Hell MC 2)
“You don’t know who you’re messing with, chicken farmer,” said the other guy.
“Yeah, I do, a couple of pussies trying to climb their way up an embarrassment of a club.” He short punched the guy in the kidney, then shoved him away. After flicking his butterfly knife closed, he rested his hand on the butt of his gun in his jeans with a wink. “Run along.”
Once they were out of earshot, he sat back down.
Callie hadn’t said a word.
“Don’t listen to those assholes, Callie.” If they weren’t in a public place, those two Skull Nation prospects would be dead.
She was too pale, like she’d seen a damn ghost.
“What’s wrong, baby?”
“Those were bikers, Brick. They’re dangerous. Oh, my God, this isn’t good.”
He cooed, cupped one side of her face. “Don’t worry, baby girl. Nothing to worry about.”
She shook her head. “I don’t want anything to happen to you.”
No way would he leave until the Skull Nation were gone.
“Eat your lunch, Callie. Nothing’s going to happen to me.” He leaned closer and kissed her forehead. “I’m invincible, okay?”
“I’m scared.”
“What do you know about those guys, anyway?”
“They’re Skull Nation and bad news. I’m not even supposed to make eye contact with them.”
“Why are they here?”
“Some big project. They’ve been buying lumber and supplies for weeks.”
This was something Lord needed to know about. If the Skull Nation was this far into rebuilding, it was time to tear them down again. He wanted to ask her for specifics, names, locations, but had to remember she knew nothing about his history.
“Keep your distance from them. Any problems, anything at all, you call my cell right away.”
“No, Brick.”
“Callie, don’t argue about this. I’m your boyfriend, and that means I protect you at all costs.”
She was silent for a bit.
A quick flash of insecurity raced through him but vanished just as fast.
“Why do you think I spend so much time with you, Callie?”
She bit her lower lip, her cheeks turning a soft shade of pink. “It’s just that you haven’t really tried anything. I didn’t want to make any assumptions.”
“Should I have tried something by now?”
“I don’t know, Brick. I told you, you’re my first. I was starting to think you weren’t attracted to me and wanted to be friends.”
“I’m not looking for friends. I just don’t want to scare you away. This whole dating thing is new to me, too,” he said.
“You won’t scare me away. I’ve never been happier.” She took his hand in hers.
“Just so we’re clear, I’m very attracted to you, Callie. Let me pick you up after work. I’ll show you exactly how I feel about you.”
She nodded. “Okay.”
From his peripheral vision, he noted the Skull Nation drive off. This wasn’t over though.
The rest of the day at work, Callie was nervous as hell. Brick was going to move things to second base, and she wasn’t even sure what that meant. She was scared and excited in equal parts.
She couldn’t get him out of her mind.
When he’d challenged the Skull Nation bikers, she’d been terrified, but then he’d been so capable. And it turned her on. She wasn’t expecting him to be carrying weapons or to know how to wield them so expertly. His strength was impressive. The man was pure muscle and gristle.
He made her feel safe, beautiful, and wanted. She couldn’t get enough of his attention.
When she saw his bike pull into the lumber yard, she did a quick peek at the clock. He was right on time, and her heart began to race.
She clocked out and met him out front. He was wearing different clothes, and when he wet his lips, her entire body tingled. He was so rough and sexy. She climbed on behind him as she’d done numerous times, wrapping her arms around his narrow waist.
“Where we going?” she asked.
“Your place.”
She didn’t have time to argue before he hit the gas, drowning out all sound but the rumble of the Harley. Callie held on tight, loving the feel of the wind in her hair and sense of utter abandon. The destination was what bothered her. It was bad enough when he’d drop her off in front of her apartment, never mind actually coming inside. Her place was a dump, no matter how many little touches she tried to put on the place.
He took a longer way that she didn’t recognize, but not before long, they pulled into the lot beside her building. Brick turned off the engine and climbed off, helping her to her feet.
“Maybe we should go to your place,” she said.
“Bad idea. This is good.”
He took her hand and walked her to the entrance. She cringed as she unlocked the main door. The elevator was perpetually broken, so they took the stairs to the fifth floor. The stairwell stank of urine, making her even more embarrassed.
When she got to her door, she paused before putting the key in the lock. “My place isn’t great,” she said.