Page 87 of Ryder's Claim (Mafia Heirs 2)
"Are you happy now?" she asks in a low whisper, her voice hoarse from all the begging she's done today. "You made me beg... is that what you wanted?"
"That's precisely what I wanted," I laugh, pulling her against me. My seed spills from her cunt, staining the sheets. I feel like I've well and truly marked my territory. No one else can lay claim to Aurora now. "And just like always, you gave me everything I've ever wanted."
"I can say the same for you," she whispers. "This has been the best day of my life."
"Just wait." I kiss her button nose and hold her tightly against me, her belly reminding me to be as gentle as I possibly can. "I'm going to make it my mission to have you say that every day for the rest of your life."
"Then I look forward to the rest of our lives together," Aurora whispers. "Perhaps one day I won't feel so guilty..."
"You have nothing to feel guilty for," I say firmly, kissing her again. "You were made to be my wife, and I won't allow you to feel bad about that."
She nods, but I can see some trepidation in her sweet smile.
That won't last long. Tomorrow, I'm going to banish all her demons.
I wake up to a bright, beautiful morning on Capri. Ryder's arms are wrapped tightly around me and I instantly feel safe and taken care of. He wakes up with me and we take a lazy shower together, soaping each other's bodies and enjoying every second of the time we get to spend together as husband and wife.
Ryder explains we'll be taking the helicopter to the villa where I lived with the Carluccis, and as excited as I am to see my childhood home again, I'm also terrified of coming face to face with the most horrible event of my life.
But I needn't have worried. The helicopter ride itself is beautiful and the panorama makes me squeal with delight. Ryder holds my hand throughout the flight and I realize I'm not afraid of anything as long as I have him by my side.
When we land on the property, my stomach momentarily sinks.
The house looks just like it used to, though it's now overgrown with weeds from years of neglect. It hurts knowing Papa just left this place to rot after I spent some of the most wonderful years of my life here.
Ryder and I stroll the grounds in the company of our guards, and I point out all the special places and memories I have of this place. He listens intently and asks questions, too, making me think he truly cares about my past and what this house meant to me.
I'm convinced it will be too difficult for me to go inside the building, but Ryder urges me to try. And it's still just as beautiful.
Part of the roof has caved in and the house now looks like something out of a film, with weeds and plants growing over everything inside. The library I once loved so much has been sorely neglected, but there's a certain beauty to the room, now overgrown with vines, their roots making home in the heart of the books I once loved so very much.
I allow my fingers to wander over the spines of the books when Ryder joins me, his arms wrapping around my middle.
"Is it as upsetting as you thought it would be?"
I shake my head, leaning against him. "It's beautiful."
"It needs some attention, though I like the natural look," he responds. "I have one last surprise for you."
"Another one?" I smile gently at the thought of yet another nice thing he's done for me. "You're too good to me, Ryder."
"You deserve it all. Now, come with me."
He leads me into a separate wing of the house where there's construction going on. He introduces me to the workers and shows me around the brand new, updated grounds.
"Do you own this place now?" I ask Ryder.
"Yes, we claimed your papa's properties after his death."
"What are you going to do with it?" My heart beats in trepidation. This place has always been special to me despite all the bad things that happened here. A part of me hopes there can be a new beginning, a way to make amends for what my papa did to the Carluccis.
"I have a very special plan that involves you, but only if you want it."
"What is it?"
"You know Father adopted me?" I nod in response. "It changed my life. And it made me realize just how much worse off I could be if he hadn't swooped in and saved my life. Which is why we're currently redoing the west wing of the house into thirty bedrooms for orphaned children."
I'm so awestruck, I can't even reply, I can only listen to him finish telling me his plans.