Page 34 of Hell (Black Heart Romance)
“With your money.”
“Yes, for God’s sake!”
I really should stop toying with him, but it’s too much fun. And a man like me doesn’t get a lot of fun in his life. “I can imagine why you would be upset and why you might feel compelled to go after somebody like that. You would at least want to get the last word, to take back some of what was stolen from you.”
“You’re fucking right.”
“Now, tell me. Where does stalking her, following her into a dressing room, and beating the shit out of her fit into that?”
“Hold on a second—”
I stand, cutting him off. “Enough with your lies. I’m tired of hearing them. In fact, I’m tired of hearing your voice.” I glance toward Rick, who takes this as a signal to grab Eric from behind, taking him by the arms. Before he has time to struggle, Alexei shoves a wadded-up rag into his mouth.
“That’s better.” I smile at him, at the naked fear in his eyes. And at the sweat now rolling down the sides of his face. It’s so easy to break a coward, especially one who tries to put on a good show the way this one does. All an act. “Now, I can tell you why you’re here.”
I walk in a slow circle around him, taking my time. Savoring every one of his short, panicked breaths. “You put your hands on Rowan. You hurt her, badly. And from the way she describes it, that wasn’t the first time—far from it, in fact. Even if she did steal from you, which I highly doubt, she only took what she deserved after what you put her through.”
I come to a stop in front of him. I smell his sweat now, acrid. The way a man sweats when he’s truly terrified. “That wasn’t enough for you, though. You had to threaten and humiliate her—and in public, at that. Can you imagine what that was like? Bloodied with bruises forming. Having to drag herself out of the dressing room, through the store? Having to get herself home somehow when her face probably felt like somebody had taken a hammer to it? Have you ever had to do that?”
I shake my head. “Of course not. Because you’ve never fought anyone who had a chance of beating you. You choose the smaller ones, the weaker ones. Women, naturally. But I would bet you were a bully in school, too. A big-mouth asshole who made it his life’s work to humiliate the smaller kids. You’re all the same, you cowardly piece of shit.”
I pause, taking a breath, watching his every movement. “Tonight, that changes. You’ll understand how it feels to face someone bigger than you. I’ve been looking forward to this for hours.” I turn back to my desk and finish what little is left of my drink. I held myself to one this evening since I don’t want to dull my senses.
Meanwhile, Eric struggles. Everybody but him knows it’s a waste of energy, but I have to give him credit for trying. I wouldn’t expect him to give up and take it.
The thing about running a business like mine is how no one seems to notice or mind when a man is half-dragged down a hallway with a gag in his mouth. Compared to some of the kinkier activities even in Heaven, that’s a typical Tuesday night. The fun continues on both sides of the hallway as I follow Eric and the guys to the stairs leading straight down to Hell.
Tonight, Hell is going to live up to its name for Eric.
We end up in one of the empty rooms near the end of the hall. The black walls and ceiling are the same as every room on this level. What sets this room apart is its lack of toys, tools, and gadgets. There’s only a single wooden chair in the corner closest to the door and a bare bulb hanging from the center of the ceiling.
Alexei and Rick toss Eric into the center of the room, then leave us alone. Eric tears the gag free and throws it on the floor before snarling at me. “So that’s what this is about? You bring me down to the basement to fight me? What, you think you’re her hero or something?”
“I’m nobody’s hero.” I take my time, slowly removing my jacket, folding it down the middle, and draping it over the back of the chair.
“So, what are you, then? Did she pay you?”
I snort while unfastening my cuff links. “No.”
“What is it, then?”
“Let’s say I believe in justice.” I roll up my sleeves with a smile. “And justice is going to be served tonight.”
There’s naked fear in his eyes when they dart over me, sizing me up. “You think you’ll get justice tonight? I don’t know, buddy. I’ve got maybe twenty pounds on you.”