Page 60 of I Hate You (Rockford Falls 4)
“Or maybe give it a shot since you’ve grown up since then and you’re ready for something real with the right woman.”
“I’m not doing that, and you know it. I was one and done. I tried the marriage and family thing. All I got was burned. So, I’m done with that scene.”
“Then you’re talking to the wrong guy. Because I wasn’t ever letting anybody into Sadie’s life or into my heart and then—Rachel came along. I fought it with everything I had, but she was stronger. She knew, when I was scared shitless, that it was meant to be. That we were right for each other. And when it’s the right person, your bullshit opinions about relationships go right out the window, bro.”
“That’s a beautiful story, and you know I’m happy for you. But I’m not relationship material. I don’t even want that. I don’t want to spend my weekends looking at patio furniture or picking out throw pillows and stuff. I don’t want a woman demanding to know when I’ll be home for dinner and making plans for me.”
“Does any of that sound like stuff Nicole actually does?”
“Well, no. But if we were in a relationship—”
“She’d suddenly develop an unquenchable thirst for throw pillows? She’d turn into a relationship monster who makes you have dinner with her dead parents all the time?” he was cracking himself up.
“Her parents are dead?”
“Obviously you two are really close. Yes, her parents are dead. Maybe try having a conversation with her instead of with me. I mean, it’s entertaining as hell watching you flop around like a fish out of water over this woman, but it’s not going to help you figure out what you want or what she wants. Just be up front with her.”
“And say what exactly? ‘Nicole, I have decided after hooking up with you a couple of times that I want to be in a serious relationship as long as you don’t fuck any of my friends or make me shop for pillows?’”
“That’s so romantic. You should write it out and have it framed for her so she can keep it forever. More beautiful than wedding vows… as long as you don’t fuck my friends… Jesus, Noah, pull yourself together,” he was shaking his head at me. “There’s nobody that was more hard-headed than me about letting a woman into my life and being serious about her, knowing what I stood to lose. But it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I think if you don’t talk to Nicole about this, about how you feel and your fears about being in a relationship, that you’re going to regret it for a long time.”
“Was that like a warning?”
“Yes. It was very Ghost of Christmas Future. I thought I did it well. You need to give this a shot so she isn’t the one you think about every time you go drinking for the rest of your life, and every time you pick up a woman.”
“I’m not picking up women.”
“Yeah, I noticed that. Have you been with anybody else since the first time you slept with Nicole?
“No, but that doesn’t mean anything. I just haven’t wanted to. I’ve had opportunities,” I said defensively.
“Yeah, doesn’t mean a damn thing. Right. You’re doomed, brother. Go talk to her.”
The mayor always offered me a bottle of water when I went to his office. Today he didn’t offer. I wasn’t thirsty, I just thought it was strange. It wasn’t unusual for his secretary to call and ask me to meet with him. He liked in-person reports on major projects, so it was no big deal when I was summoned to his office. Until he didn’t offer me a drink and he wasn’t joking around like his usual, easygoing self. I picked up on tension, on something being off. I shifted in my seat, uncrossed and recrossed my legs.
“How’s the build going?” he asked.
“It’s great and ahead of schedule. It’ll be done in a little under six weeks. That gives me plenty of time to put finishing touches on the plans for the opening and get a last ad blitz out to bring local media into the event.”
“Good. I was going over some papers and noticed the budget—the very generous budget, may I add—was going up again. Would you mind explaining that.”
“No problem. There were a few upgrades added like the improved soundproofing for the music room that will make the rest of the space more usable for groups and classes when the music space is in use. It’s a way to maximize usability so nobody like, say, the Ladies Garden Club your wife leads, doesn’t have access to the facility for meetings if there’s a band practice. I don’t want anyone in town being inconvenienced. We want to encourage use of the space.”