Page 6 of I Hate You (Rockford Falls 4)
“Use the hose. It’ll knock you on your ass, which might knock some sense into you. She’s your boss, and you don’t even like her. So quit thinking about her in that glassy-eyed junkie way you’re doing.” He took a drink of his beer. “Man, the wings are cold. How long have they been here?”
“I dunno. I ordered them when I got here.”
“You didn’t notice when the waitress brought them?”
“No,” I confessed.
“That’s really sad, bro,” Max chuckled.
“They’ll be fine. They’re good wings.” I took one. “Okay, no they’re gross when they’re cold. I think I’m aging, man. When I was in my twenties, I ate cold leftover pizza and Chinese and everything, like for breakfast. Now I want my food hot. Did my hair all go gray when I said that?”
“I’m not checking your hair. Eat your cold ass wings.”
“Speaking of asses, I made one of myself when she called to give me the job. I assumed they were going with cheapo Forrester and I didn’t exactly answer the phone like a businessman in good standing.”
“What did you say?”
“Something about I guess she was calling to say they gave the job to the cheapskate,” I said, wincing.
“Not great, but you can recover from that. Just act normal. You run a successful business. No reason to get your panties in a bunch just because you’re intimidated by her.”
“Who says I’m intimidated by Miss I Have Degrees from Georgetown?”
“Um, you. Since you love to tell me how stuck up and citified and fancy she is.”
“You’re the one who talked about her shoes.”
“Oh my God, Noah. We’re not in high school. You sound like a bratty sixteen-year-old.”
“I know you are but what am I?” I shot back. He rolled his eyes and downed his beer.
“I’m glad you got the bid, even though you’re nuts.”
“I’m sourcing my lumber from you. Even though you’re ungrateful.”
“Let me know what you need in case I have to do a special order,” he said. “Congratulations on the job. Good luck pulling yourself together in front of Nicole. Remember, she kept my kids last weekend. She’s a good human.”
“What’s your point?” I asked.
“So don’t go acting like a little bitch and make me look bad in front of my wife’s friends, okay?” he laughed and took off.
He was in such a hurry to get home. Which I guess is how men act when they have someone waiting for them. I could pick up any woman in this bar, I told myself, and not have to sleep alone. Except it felt dismal just thinking about it. I didn’t want to pick up some woman, hook up, and find a way to disentangle myself afterward without giving her my number. It seemed like more hassle than it was worth. I was definitely getting old.
“I’m definitely having Rachel cater the picnic, and I’ll get Trixie to do décor. Flowers and some of her rental party stuff,” I told Michelle on the phone.
“That’s pretty ambitious, thinking you can get this built and open in time for a town picnic this summer.”
“You know I’m ambitious. And I want to bring everyone together, make it fun, use all local vendors. Maybe make it an annual thing. Do you think Trixie has some bounce houses we could rent?”
“Trixie does not have bounce houses. I can bring some old encyclopedias from the eighties though. Those are fun for the kids,” Michelle quipped.
“That sounds like a party right there. No thanks,” I said wryly. “I’ll keep thinking. I want something fun for kids, not just face painting and stuff. Anyway, I’m not looking forward to this meeting. I just have to get it over with.”
“So you’re distracting yourself with bounce houses?”
“Yes, okay? I need something fun to think about.”
“Think about Noah Jeffries. That’ll be fun.”
“You are a bad influence,” I said, feeling my face heat with color.
My secretary buzzed me.
“Crap, gotta go. He’s here,” I hissed into the phone and hung up.
“Thanks, Angela, send him right in,” I chirped into the intercom.
Then in walked trouble.
I had never seen Noah in anything more formal than jeans and a Jeffries Construction polo shirt. Here he was in chinos and a button down and a tie. I didn’t know he owned a tie. If he did, I would’ve guessed it would have naked girls on it or beer mugs. This one was plain and respectable looking. It caught me off guard, how mature, how professional he looked. I stood to greet him, wiped my suddenly sweaty palms on my skirt and held out my hand.
He shook my hand briefly. Which seemed like it would be nothing except for the shock that ran up my arm from the contact. This guy’s touch blazed through me like heat lightning. Flustered, I took my seat. He sat in the guest chair on the other side of my desk. I was so happy I had a big desk to put between us right then. So he couldn’t see me bouncing my knee nervously.