Page 10 of Sweet Poisons (Pretty Lies Ugly Truths Duets 1)
She attempted to dart around me, still screaming at the top of her lungs.
I slipped my gun into the back of my waistband and grabbed hold of her shoulders, slamming her into the nearest wall. I pinned her there with my forearm, pressing against her throat.
“Please, don’t,” she choked out, trembling so badly that she lost control of her bladder. I smelled the piss before I saw it, running down her legs’ and drenching her skirt and stockings.
“It’s nothing personal,” I assured her, pulling my gun back out. She began to struggle, pointlessly. When her mouth opened again, I jammed the butt of my Colt inside it and pulled the trigger.
Her body jerked, the bullet tearing through the back of her throat, leaving skin in shredded flaps as it found a home in the drywall. I stepped back and watched her sink to the floor, smearing blood on the way down.
“You find anything?” Callum asked, eyeing her body.
I pocketed my gun. “The laptop. You?”
I’ll toss the office and search Martin for the flash drive. I don’t think we’ll have any more visitors. Do one last sweep upstairs, and then we can trash it.”
He nodded and headed for the staircase, leaving me to handle the lower level.
What the hell was I doing here?
Why had I agreed to this?
Parties weren’t fun for me. They were the induction to a new level of hell. On a Saturday night I’d have much rather been at home with a close friend and a drink, watching re-runs of The Walking Dead.
It was too late to go back, though. Literally. Some dickhead in a Hummer parked right behind me, pulling so close to my rear bumper that if I let my car reverse an inch, I’d hit theirs.
“You can do this Nova,” Emery soothed, patting my shoulder gently.
“We’re going to a party, not off to war,” Annika scoffed.
“Remind me why I let her ride with us?”
“Because you’re a good person?”
Yeah, I wasn’t going to respond to that. The flashy colors of a letterman jacket caught my attention as the person that had parked behind me past by my widow.
“I had economics with him.”
“Ian Winters?” Emery asked.
“Yep.” I popped my lips on the p.
He glanced at my car, doing a double take when it clicked whose it was.
“If you wanted to sneak in here discreetly, we should’ve taken your Genesis.”
I bit down on my inner cheek and thrust open my door, getting out before I dove in the back seat and strangled one of my best-friends despite her being right. Everyone in Legacy Falls knew this car. I was the only one who drove a restored 69 Z-Camaro.
I looped the chain of my lip shaped purse across my chest and waited for the girls. Looking in the direction we’d have to walk I was glad I’d gone with my lace-y combat boots instead of the flats like Annika had suggested. She was going to have a hell of a time walking this long ass driveway in heels.
“Ready?” Emery asked.
“Let’s do this,” I said with forced enthusiasm. No matter how badly I didn’t want to be here, I wasn’t going to ruin their night.
The three of us began walking up the smooth drive, passing a concerning number of cars. Some of them were double parked.
“Jesus. Did he invite everyone in town?”
“Do you know how many people have wanted to see this place?” Annika questioned.
“Actually, I hadn’t really considered that.” Until now, I silently added.
“You know how many people kiss ass in this town,” Emery stated. “And what this place was listed at.”
They both had equally valid points. The Westfield Lodge was a 10-acre waterfront estate, sitting on what looked like a small island since it was surrounded by Legacy Lake. To buy it meant Rhett had money or came from money, basically the same thing to people around here.
Even I had to admit I was curious what the place looked like. It was private and secluded, no one had ever been allowed to venture onto the property without risking a hefty fine.
Spill-lights positioned in between all the trees guided our way. We hit the halfway point and could hear the party was already in full swing. Pretty sure it was J Cole’s voice blasting through the air and disturbing the all the night critters’ peace.
By time we reached the end I was biting at the inside of my lower lip and had crossed my arms in front of my chest.
The cabin loomed up like a fortress, massive and shining from all interior and exterior lighting. On the far right of the drive was a three car garage the size of a small barn, both cars I’d seen the night before in front of it. People lingered everywhere. On the upper deck, down by the lake, around a raging fire-pit.