Page 21 of Depredation
I cried out and tried to squirm away from him, arching my back and kicking my legs out.
“Are you awake?” he asked, lifting the cigarette away to take a drag from it.
“Harper, you have to wake up,” he cooed, blowing smoke into my face.
He pressed the butt of the cig a little higher than before.
I cried out again, my hoarse voice echoing around the room.
“I’m awake!” I screamed up at him.
“Oh,” he chuckled, immediately letting my neck go and removing his cigarette. “Why didn’t you say that a minute ago?”
I shut my eyes and pressed my trembling lips into a firm line.
“I asked you a question, Harper,” he stressed. Not a second later, the heel of his hand uppercut my nose.
Pain ricocheted.
I cried out, bringing my hands up to catch the blood now rolling over my lips, a metallic tang sneaking its way into my mouth.
Eyes now wide open, I stared up at him through tear blinded vision, willing him to stop hurting me.
He tilted his head to the side and smirked. “Get up. I come bearing gifts.”
I let my head loll, and watched him walk back out of the cell.
Chest heaving, I pushed myself onto my elbow, and then slowly got to my feet. Instantly, I wanted to sink back down to the ground, but I knew he’d just hurt me even worse.
Stiffly making my way across the room, I glanced down at the freshly formed blisters on the left side of my labia. They were ugly, swollen welts I felt with every step. My nose throbbed, pain intensifying if I dared touch it.
J was at the sink, running water into an orange bucket by the time I reached the door.
As soon as I saw the brunette passed out inside the dog cage, I stopped.
“Hop up on the chair,” he commanded, lifting the bucket from the sink.
I cautiously shuffled forward and did as he said. I studied the woman from my peripheral as I went. She didn’t look much older than me, and physically she wasn’t hurt in any way.
Her tanned skin and clean hair had me taking notice of how much mine had changed.
It wasn’t something I paid any attention to anymore; seeing the sickly color beneath all the grime, blood, and bruises had my heart twisting painfully in my chest.
My hair was a bushel of snarls and knots now J didn’t brush it anymore.
She was in a sundress.
When I was taken, I’d been wearing a winter coat.
How many months had I been here?
I was barely able to prepare myself for the cold water J dumped over my head.
I closed my eyes briefly to keep them clear, crossing my arms over my chest. The low temperature in the room had my teeth chattering.
He set the bucket down and swiped a few wet strands of hair out of my face.
“I spent the last few nights trying to come up with how long I should keep you around. After your reckless actions, I’m beginning to think you’re not stable, Harper. And, sweetheart, you kinda let yourself go.”
I tucked my chin into my chest and hugged myself a little tighter.
I didn’t have the mental or physical energy to spar with him, and for once, I didn’t want to.
“Hey, there’s no need to feel down about it. That’s what this is for.” He pulled a shiny, slightly scuffed stopwatch from his pocket, and flipped it open.
I watched the black hand move in a full circle, then finally looked at J for an explanation.
“I’m going to hang this on the wall right outside your cell,” he began, pointing to a hook I’d never noticed before. “When the timer stops, so does your life.” He stepped back and went to do just that, slipping the thin metal chain over the hook.
“Nothing?” he inquired when I remained silent. “All right then, lie down.”
If he was surprised by how easily I complied, he didn’t show it. I knew the cigarette burns were just the start of what he had planned.
He was too calm. I could have spat out a few snarky remarks, maybe spat on him again. Honestly, though, it didn’t matter what I did.
He’d just assured me I wouldn’t be making it out of this alive. I thought I wanted to die; I never accepted that I was going to.
He secured each of my legs in a nylon stirrup, and then my wrists.
Once he was done, he stepped away, returning with the rusted spreader bar and a gag. Curling my hands into fists, I dropped my head back, knowing for certain now that the cigarette burns had been child’s play.
He secured the bar and shoved the gag into my mouth without saying a word. His lack of taunting increased my gut-gnawing anxiety in the form of cold sweat.
Using one hand, he gripped one of my ass cheeks and pulled them apart. He cleared his throat, spitting a glob of saliva right in the crevice.