Page 14 of Depredation
Minnie’s mouth opened and closed, her face turning red from embarrassment. “What are young? Sit down,” she hissed.
“I’m going to play,” I replied, tossing much more cash than necessary on the table.
–Chapter Ten–
I passed Metric gas station, seeing it had finally re-opened.
After I took Harper, it’d been shut down, with police canvassing the area. They never came close to my property line, not knowing the pretty girl they were searching for, the same one whose parents were on the news pleading for her return, was locked up tight in my basement.
I knew how these things worked. After having her for so long, some would hold out hope that she was still alive and well, skeptics would be split down the middle, and those emotionally detached from the situation were already writing her off as dead.
Of course, only one of those outcomes would be correct when all was said and done, but that wasn’t going to be anytime soon.
Pulling up to the mid-size structure where I was keeping her, I cut the engine, grabbed my small duffel bag, and got out.
Leather shoes crunching through snow, I approached the only entrance of the front of the cabin, surveying my surroundings.
No birds were in the trees, and the wind was silent. It was a peaceful winter night.
I went inside, stomping the snow from my shoes on the old welcome mat before proceeding to the basement.
The moment I opened the door at the top of the stairs, the smell of old feces and urine wafted up to greet me.
Flicking on the light, I headed down, whistling as I went, shoes resounding off groaning wood. It seemed chillier than usual; I think I almost saw my breath.
I peered into the cell and surveyed my product contently. Harper was perched on her mattress, already in a sitting position.
She was coming along nicely, much quicker than expected. Total isolation seemed to be a key component for her programming.
“Did I wake you?” I asked by way of greeting, unlocking the cell.
She shook her head, blinking and rubbing her eyes to adjust to the florescent light.
I tossed my duffel bag down and went right over to the bucket, grabbing it by the handle.
I emptied its contents into the sink, pouring some oxygen bleach inside and both eliminating the smell and sanitizing.
Harper coughed a few times from the intense stench, but there wasn’t much I could do about that. My own nose burned as I breathed in and out.
“Chair,” I said, as if I were telling a dog to sit.
From my peripheral, I watched her stand and begin moving without any rebuttal.
I felt a sense of pride, watching her.
Her hair had lost a bit of its shine, she’d gotten a little skinnier, and body hair had grown in, turning that triangle patch I was so fond of into a bush, but she was still beautiful to me.
I left the bucket to soak in the sink, going to the chair to strap her in.
Her brown eyes watched me with a satisfying balance of alertness and unease.
Unlike Minnie, Harper had expressive eyes, but an excellent poker face. I often wondered what was going on inside that pretty head of hers.
“I have a wife,” I found myself saying. I wanted to talk to this girl. I’d had her long enough to know I could do that.
“The ring kind of gave that away the day we met,” she replied.
I paused in buckling the strap around her leg. Was she using sarcasm? With me?
“Her name’s Minnie.”
“Like the mouse,” she said.
“Just like the mouse.” I grinned, finishing the restraint on her other leg, spreading her pussy wide open for me.
Seeing her arms resting comfortably by her side, I decided to leave them free as a little test.
“She’s a princess, so to speak. Nothing like you. You’re a pauper—what I really prefer.” I walked over to my shelving unit and selected a simple blue dildo. “Suck on this,” I urged, pressing the rubber head against her lips.
Her mouth opened, and I slipped it inside easily, leaving it there as I removed my black button down and belt, and lowered my slacks.
“You know, we’ve been together a whole month now. That’s thirty days of a solid relationship. And we’ve only had one argument,” I joked.
She narrowed her eyes in response, unable to speak.
Gently fingering her curls, my dick hardened in anticipation.
Reaching into my back pocket, I removed her father’s Swiss knife and flicked out the blade.
Removing the dildo from her mouth, I dragged it down, through the path between her breasts, over her navel, her slit, and stopped right at her ass.
I’d already gone in there once, but too much anal was never a bad thing.
I watched her throat bob, knew she was probably recalling it. I’d fucked her tight little ass bloody, and then made her suck the mess off my dick.