Page 69 of The Tyrant (Banker 3)
He shook his head. “And I have a feeling he did something stupid. He always does something stupid. He says I’m the dumb one, but I don’t fuck up relationships as much as he does.”
“So…did he tell you he proposed to me?”
When his eyes snapped wide open, that was my answer. “No. When?”
“A week ago.”
“And I’m guessing you said no…? Although, I have no idea why you would. My brother is the best guy I know. He’s rough around the edges sometimes and he’s made mistakes, but he loves you, Siena. Like, really loves you.”
“I know he loves me. But he doesn’t love me enough.”
“What are you talking about?” he whispered. “What did you say when he asked you to marry him?”
“I didn’t say no…but I didn’t say yes. I told him he had to give up his business if he wanted to marry me. As long as he continues to be part of that company, we’ll always be in danger. And I can’t do that to Martina…or any other children we have. After everything that’s happened with my family, I thought he would understand that. After everything we just went through, I thought he would understand that. But he said no…”
Bates stared into my eyes in genuine bewilderment, like he couldn’t believe the story I’d just shared with him. His hands moved into his lap, and he turned his gaze forward, contemplating everything I’d said. “So, he picked the company over you?”
I nodded. “Said he wouldn’t change his mind. But I won’t change my mind either.”
He sighed quietly, shaking his head. “That doesn’t make any sense.”
“Well, that’s what happened…”
“I’ve seen Cato every day, and he’s miserable. He’s not even focused in the office. His mind is always somewhere else. And before he met you, he told me he felt bored…that it’s the same shit every day. I know his job doesn’t give him a lot of fulfillment anymore. And the only time I ever see him happy is when he’s with you. So, this isn’t making any sense.”
“I don’t understand it either.”
Bates rubbed his palm along his jaw, sighing quietly. “He’ll come around. I know he will. There’s something more complicated going on with him. I’ll talk to him.”
“I know he must have been hurt by my reaction.” He’d poured his heart out to me under the stars, saying the sweetest things I didn’t think he was capable of. He’d turned into the tenderest and more caring man I’d ever known. And then he asked me to marry him…only to be rejected. “Maybe that wounded his pride. He does have an ego. But I don’t want to build a life with him under these circumstances. I have to keep my family safe, and as long as he continues to be involved with this business, we’ll always be targets. We have to learn from the past…”
“I understand, Siena. Really, I do.” He patted my thigh. “I’ll talk to him.”
“I’m not sure how well that’s going to go.”
“It won’t go well at all,” he said with a chuckle. “But I have to try. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to him. I’m not going to let him throw you away.”
I smiled at him. “That’s sweet of you…”
“I don’t know what’s going through my brother’s mind, but he’s obviously in a bad place.”
“Maybe he feels too guilty leaving you to handle the company on your own.”
He shook his head. “Ideally, I’d like him there. But I’d understand if he wanted to step down. I can handle it on my own. Besides, I want my brother to be happy. How could I be mad at him for being happy?”
I rubbed his arm and felt my affection for him grow. “Whether Cato and I end up together or not, I love you, Bates. I love you like a brother.” I rested my head against his shoulder and linked my arm through his.
He stayed still as he felt me lean against him. It seemed like he had nothing to say, and the silence lingered between us. Then he rested his head against mine and sighed. “I love you too, Siena.”
The second Bates arrived at her doorstep, I knew he was there.
And it was only a matter of time before he ended up on my doorstep too.
Nosy fucking asshole.
Two hours after he arrived at Siena’s house, he came to my front door and stepped into the entryway. My men told me when he approached the gate at the end of the driveway, so I walked downstairs in my sweatpants and waited for him to walk inside.
He opened the door himself and crossed the threshold, because he was the only person in the world who had the right. He came face-to-face with me, and when he saw the pissed expression I wore, he knew I knew everything. “You should have told me yourself.”