Page 42 of The Tyrant (Banker 3)
“It is possible. You’ll see for yourself once you let him go.”
Cato pushed his body up so he could lean against the wall. His face was so bloody that his blue eyes were striking against the redness that dripped down his face. He must have thought I was a hallucination at first because he didn’t react right away. But then he realized his mind wasn’t playing tricks on him. “Siena?”
“Yes,” Damien said. “She’s come to take your place. Isn’t that sweet?”
Cato yanked on the chains that kept him against the wall and tried to break free. “No! Siena, no!” His strength came out of nowhere, and he rose to his feet, using all of his power to try to break the concrete wall that bound him. “No! Don’t do this! No!”
I couldn’t watch him. It was just too painful. “Let him go. When I know he’s outside, I’m all yours.”
He yanked on the chains again. “I would rather die! Siena! No!”
Tears burned behind my eyes, but I didn’t let them fall. “Cato, it’s alright.”
“It’s not fucking alright.” Cato gave me a fierce look of despair mixed with betrayal. “No. I would rather bleed to death than let him have you. No. Let me die here, Siena. Let me die here.”
I kept my eyes on Damien. “Do it.”
Damien whistled, so the guards came in. “Take him to the surface. I want proof that he’s free. I’m sure Siena won’t be cooperative until she knows for certain her man has been released.”
Cato went berserk. He fought the guards and the chains and behaved like a man who hadn’t been beaten bloody. His strength came from somewhere deep within, deep in his heart. “Siena!”
I stepped aside and let him pass. I couldn’t make eye contact with him, not when he was this furious, this heartbroken. I knew how much it killed him to leave me behind, to know what Damien was about to do to me.
They finally pulled him out of the cell, but I could hear him fighting the entire way. His yells echoed down the hall. Even when he moved upstairs, he continued to fight like a bull that couldn’t be tamed.
I did the best I could to keep my emotions in check, to stay calm. Watching them drag Cato away was one of the most difficult things I’d ever had to do, but looking at the bloody hammer in the corner told me I’d made the right decision. If I’d waited until morning, he might not have been able to walk.
Damien didn’t waste any time. He shut the cell door and stripped off his clothes. First, his shirt, and then everything else. He shed every single piece until he was completely naked, his dick hard and ready to take me. He lay back on the bed with his hands behind his head. “How should I fuck you for the first time? Hmm…”
I stayed in the same spot I’d been before, waiting for any indication Cato was actually free. The clothes he wore when he entered this place were gone. All he had were the boxers that hugged his waist.
I hated to think about how much he had suffered. It made me sick to my stomach.
“This is the best plan,” Damien said. “I get to fuck you. And then Cato will hand over everything to save you. Good thinking, sweetheart. You’ve always been too smart for your own good.”
No matter how smart I was, I always seemed to get into these situations. “How will you know when he’s been released?”
“The guards will send the security feed to my phone.”
I sighed as I continued to wait, wanting Cato to be free as soon as possible. He needed to get to a hospital right away. Even his chest and back were coated with blood. He probably had broken ribs and internal bleeding.
Twenty minutes later, Damien finally got the video sent to his phone. “Here you go, sweetheart.” He tossed the phone at me.
I hit play and watched the feed. They pushed Cato out of the building and onto the sidewalk. He could barely stand because he was so weak, probably because he fought the entire way to the surface. One of his cars pulled up, and his men helped him inside. Then they took off.
He was free.
“I’m a man of my word. Are you a woman of yours?”
I set the phone on the table and turned to him. “Yes.”
“Then drop the clothes.” He sat up on the cot with his legs hanging over the edge and his feet on the ground.
It disgusted me to drop my clothes and let him see me naked. But if I didn’t cooperate, that would be a dead giveaway. I took my time as I peeled off every inch of clothing, stalling as long as possible until I was just in my thong.