Page 12 of The Tyrant (Banker 3)
I still didn’t like getting gifts, but since it was Siena, I didn’t complain. I pulled the tissue out of the bag then grabbed something by a string of ribbon. It was Christmas ornament, but it was customized with the picture we took the other day. We were standing together and showing off her pregnant belly, both wearing those ridiculous Christmas sweaters. The date was written at the top along with a message. “Can’t wait to meet you, Martina.” I held the ornament in my hand as I stared at the image for a long time, seeing all of her emotions wrapped up into a single gift. It was thoughtful, personal, and couldn’t have cost her more than five dollars. It was perfect. “Thank you.” I lifted my gaze and met hers.
“Do you like it?”
“I do.” I found an unencumbered branch and hung it at eye level. “I got you something too.”
“Let me guess? It’s slutty.”
I grabbed the box from under the tree and handed it to her. “No, unfortunately. But you can put on that little red number you showed me last week.”
“You’d want me to wear that again?”
“Wear it every night, especially with that Santa hat.”
She took the small box and ripped off the wrapping paper. What was left behind was a small teal box with a bow on top. The name of the jewelry designer was written across the surface. Instead of taking off the lid, she looked up at me. “Cato, you know I don’t want anything expensive—”
“Just open it.”
She sighed then removed the lid. Inside was a white-gold bracelet with three charms attached. Each charm had a different initial. S. C. M. It was the first initial of each of our names. She looked at each one, and then understanding slowly started to creep in.
“I wasn’t going to get you something cheap out of principle. I want you to have something that will last forever.”
She took the bracelet out of the box and rubbed each charm with her fingers. “I love it, Cato. So sweet…” When she looked up at me, there were tears in her eyes. “Thank you so much.” She moved into my chest and hugged me.
My arms encircled her petite frame, and I squeezed her tight. She was at the ideal height so I could rest my chin on her head. Both of our gifts had been perfect for each other—and they both centered around the little girl we were having.
She pulled away then extended her wrist. “Could you help me?”
I put it around her slender wrist then clasped it into place.
She admired the way it looked around her wrist, the way the charms shifted along the metal. “Perfect.” She rose onto her tiptoes and kissed me. “It’s not slutty, but I still love it.”
I chuckled. “If you wore nothing but that bracelet, that might work.”
“Not a bad idea…”
I was working hard in the kitchen, trying to keep everything warm while I prepared the next part of the meal. The turkey was almost done, the stuffing was covered in foil, the potatoes would have to be reheated, and the other sides needed to pop in the microwave for a few minutes each.
“Need help, baby?” Cato walked into the kitchen, looking undeniably sexy in his long-sleeved maroon shirt and black jeans. He’d looked better naked a few hours ago, but after a shower and a shave, he’d cleaned up real nice.
“No. Almost done.”
The doorbell rang.
“That must be them. Bates picked up my mother on the way.”
“Okay, great.” I washed my hands and untied my apron.
Cato opened the front door and greeted them both. “Mother, you look nice.” He hugged her and kissed her on the cheek. “Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas, honey.” She gave her son an affectionate look, like he was the apple of her eye. She moved to me next and gave me the same excited expression. “Merry Christmas, Siena. You look stunning.” She touched my belly before she hugged me. “You’re glowing brighter than…” She pointed at the tree. “There’s a tree up?”
“I had to fight Cato for a bit, but I eventually won.”
“It’s beautiful,” she said. “Perfect for this space.”
Cato greeted his brother. “Merry Christmas.”
“Yeah, whatever.” Bates handed him a present. “Got you something. Don’t care if you don’t like it.”
He chuckled. “Merry Christmas to you too.”
We gathered in the dining room.
“Mother, what can I get for you to drink? White wine?”
“Sure,” she said as she took off her gloves.
“I’ll have scotch,” Bates said.
“Two wines, it is.” Cato poured two glasses and handed them over.
I was just about to head into the kitchen when the doorbell rang again. I opened the door and came face-to-face with Landon. “Hey. So glad you could make it.” I hugged him and welcomed him inside.
“I won’t turn down a home-cooked meal—even if you may have poisoned it.” He smiled as he stepped inside.