Page 39 of The Dictator (Banker 2)
And I screamed again.
Siena didn’t step out of her room for four days.
She was still pissed at me.
I didn’t feel bad for punishing her. Even if I was being an asshole, she had no right to speak to me that way. She thought she could ask me whatever she wanted like she had the right. She seemed to forget she didn’t have any rights.
I treated her too well. That was the problem.
She could shut me out as long as she wanted, and I wouldn’t cave. She deserved that punishment, and I wouldn’t apologize for it.
It was the first time Bates returned to my estate after he cut Siena with that knife. He greeted me like nothing happened, and we stepped inside the conference room.
“Can I still not smoke in here?” He pulled a cigar out of his pocket.
I slugged him so hard in the face, he dropped the cigar and fell to the ground. “What the fuck? Don’t tell me you’re still mad.”
“I’m furious.” I grabbed him by the collar and dragged him to his feet. “Even look at Siena the wrong way, and I’ll slit your throat.”
He pushed me off him then grabbed the fallen cigar. “Fine.”
“No, not fine,” I hissed. “You threatened to rape her.”
“Did I do it?” He threw his arms in the air. “No. It was just a threat.”
“Whatever, Bates. It’s still wrong, either way. Don’t treat my woman like that, or I’ll fucking—”
“What. Did. You. Just. Say?” His eyes narrowed, and he slowly lowered his arms to his sides. “Your woman? Did you just call her your damn woman?” He stepped closer to me, getting in my face.
I never meant to say that. The words just flew out.
His eyes shifted back and forth as he looked into mine. Rage was billowing in his gaze like an approaching storm. Slowly, it grew near, spots of lightning scattering in random places. “You’re fucking her again?”
“It’s none of your business what I’m doing with her.”
“Yes, it is, asshole. When you call her your woman, it is my damn business. That bitch lied to you and betrayed you. She can’t be trusted. How stupid are you?”
“I never said I trusted her.”
“Your cock did.”
I pushed him back. “Touch her, speak to her, or look at her the wrong way, and I’ll rip your head off. That’s the point I’m trying to make. Whether she means something to me or not, she’s carrying my baby.”
“I didn’t touch your baby, Cato.”
“But you put her in distress, and that affects the baby. You could have accidentally hurt her.”
He rolled his eyes. “I wish she’d never come into our lives…”
“I wish you would stop being a whiny bitch.”
“What is it with you and this woman? I don’t fucking get it. You can see straight when it comes to everyone else, but with her, it’s like you’re clueless. If you knocked up some other girl, I know you would have put that bullet in her brain. You can say it’s because of the baby, but I think it’s because of the woman.”
“It’s because of the baby, Bates. I’m not our father.”
“It’s not the same situation, and you know it.”
“I’m done with this conversation.” I slammed my fist down onto the table. “Leave her alone, Bates. I mean it.”
He nodded slightly, his eyes incredulous after what I’d just asked him. He sighed with flared nostrils then turned back to me. “Fine. But I want you to promise that you’ll kill her when the time comes.”
The room turned silent. I could hear my own heartbeat in my ears. I never made promises I couldn’t keep, and being pressured to do it now made my head spin. I always intended to do it, but now I felt like the gun was in my hand—fully loaded. “My word is good enough, Bates.”
He cocked an eyebrow. “You won’t make the promise.”
I wouldn’t make a promise I couldn’t keep. “I’ll do it.”
“Then promise me, Cato.” He stepped toward me.
His nostrils flared again. “Don’t let that bitch manipulate you. She will make an idiot out of you all over again. When you’re deep inside that pussy, don’t forget how you got there. Don’t forget the lies and the deceit.”
“She turned around.”
Bates cocked his head, unable to follow my thoughts. “What?”
“When she drove me to the cemetery, she changed her mind at the last minute and turned around.”
“So?” He raised his hands again. “She could have turned around for any reason.”
“I think she did it to save me. I think she knew it was wrong and tried to get me out of there.”
“That’s what you want to believe.”
“That’s what I saw, Bates.”
He rolled his eyes. “I’m trying to protect you. You piss me off most of the time, but I always have your back. I’m telling you that my instinct deep in my gut…” He slammed his fist into his stomach. “Says this woman will betray you again. Don’t fall for it.”